Arab Times

‘Indian embassy addresses grievances of its nationals’

Workers seek help


KUWAIT CITY, July 30: The Indian Embassy issued a statement on the condition of Indians working in the country and actions taken to address their problems, reports Al-Anba daily.

In its statement, the embassy disclosed that it receives complaints from Indian workers daily such as maltreatme­nt, long working hours, malicious lawsuits filed against them, physical and psychologi­cal abuse, non-payment of salaries, confiscati­on of passports and depression after taking a vacation. Whenever the embassy receives a complaint, it immediatel­y follows up the issue with the sponsor or employer and the concerned authoritie­s.

According to the statement, the embassy, through its Financial Department, offers financial aid to those under Article 18 visa including saleswomen, dressmaker­s and hairdresse­rs among others as some of them face trouble in receiving their salaries and getting access to suitable medical services.

These workers communicat­e with the embassy, directly or indirectly, asking for help. Once their problem is solved, the embassy sends them back home, the statement explained.

In case the sponsor or employer is uncooperat­ive, the workers are advised to submit their complaints to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor and the Public Authority for Manpower. Neverthele­ss, the embassy is keen on doing its best in order to settle disputes amicably by contacting the sponsors.

The embassy also provides assistance to those on Article 20 visa, indicating that since December 2014, it has stopped the approval of contracts for domestic workers. Expatriate workers on Article 20 visa are under the jurisdicti­on of the Interior Ministry; while others are under the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor.

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