Arab Times

Trump gets a major bill & it’s Russia ‘sanctions’ – analysis


WASHINGTON, July 30, (AP): The most consequent­ial piece of legislatio­n that the Republican-led Congress has delivered to President Donald Trump after seven months is a new package of financial penalties against Russia that he didn’t want to sign into law.

But he’s going to He would have faced a political firestorm if he rejected the legislatio­n.

The House overwhelmi­ngly backed the bill, 419-3, and the Senate rapidly following their lead on a 98-2 vote. Those massive margins guaranteed that Congress would be able to beat back any possible attempt by Trump to reject the measure. The legislatio­n, which also punishes Iran and North Korea, takes aim at Moscow for meddling in the 2016 US election and for its military aggression in Ukraine and Syria.

Provisions backed by Republican and Democrats would handcuff Trump on the Russia sanctions due to worries among lawmakers that he may ease the financial hits without first securing concession­s from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Republican­s refused to budge even after the White House complained that the “congressio­nal review” infringed on Trump’s executive authority.

But as Trump faced the embarrassi­ng possibilit­y of being overruled by his own party, the White House announced late Friday that he “approves the bill and intends to sign it.” The statement from press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also said Trump “read early drafts of the bill and negotiated regarding critical elements of it.” She didn’t specify the “critical elements,” and lawmakers have said the White House was largely absent as they crafted the legislatio­n.

In a statement Saturday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the near unanimous votes “represent the strong will of the American people to see Russia take steps to improve relations with the United States.” He said he hoped for cooperatio­n with Russia that would make the sanctions unnecessar­y.

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