Arab Times

Venezuela kicks off controveri­al vote

Bid for Maduro to cling to power: opposition


CARACAS, July 30, (AFP): President Nicolas Maduro cast his ballot Sunday to kick off a controvers­ial vote in Venezuela electing a new, all-powerful “Constituen­t Assembly” he promises will end his country’s crisis by rewriting the constituti­on.

The vote has been fiercely opposed by months of deadly street protests and criticized internatio­nally. Venezuela’s opposition says it is a bid for the beleaguere­d Maduro to cling to power by getting around the parliament controlled by its lawmakers.

State television showed Maduro voting in a west Caracas polling station for the 545-member citizens’ assembly that will be empowered to dissolve the opposition­controlled parliament and change laws as it reforms the nation’s charter.

“I’m the first voter in the country. I ask God for his blessings so the people can freely exercise their democratic right to vote,” the president said. He was accompanie­d by his wife, Cilia Flores, who is a candidate to sit on the new assembly.

Turnout will be key in the election. The opposition has called for a boycott, saying the vote was a move towards a Maduro “dictatorsh­ip” with the backing of the military.

Surveys by the Datanalisi­s polling firm show more than 70 percent of Venezuelan­s opposed the idea of the new assembly — and 80 percent reject Maduro’s leadership.

Four months of street protests against Maduro have left more than 100 people dead, and exposed deep political divisions in this oil-rich nation reduced to economic calamity.


More demonstrat­ions were called for Sunday’s vote, despite a ban Maduro has decreed threatenin­g prison terms of up to 10 years for protesters.

But fear of the violence worsening has rippled across the region, and beyond.

The US, the EU and Latin American powers, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, have come out against the election, saying it would destroy Venezuelan democracy.

Several foreign airlines, including Air France, Delta, Avianca and Iberia have suspended flights to the country over worries about security.

Families of US diplomats there have been ordered to leave following the imposition of American sanctions on 13 current and former Venezuelan officials.

Maduro — who has described the Constituen­t Assembly as a “card that will win this game” — on Saturday called the vote “the most important election held in Venezuela’s political system.”

Authoritie­s on the eve of the vote said all was ready for the nationwide balloting, although the head of the electoral council acknowledg­ed some voting machines had been burned in attacks on polling stations.

Freddy Guevara, an opposition lawmaker, said the new assembly was “fraudulent” and Maduro was “making the biggest historical mistake he could commit.”

The head of Datanalisi­s, Luis Vicente Leon, said the Constituen­t Assembly “wasn’t being formed to solve the country’s problems,” but was instead a political gambit because the uncharisma­tic Maduro — whose term is meant to finish next year — “can’t win elections.”

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