Arab Times

Trump made ‘Truth’ more relevant

‘Inconvenie­nt Sequel’ offers many ominous signs, warnings


IBy Owen Gleiberman

f you take in enough socially conscious documentar­ies — about the crackup of Syria, the power of the pharmaceut­ical drug industry, the rise of drone warfare, the machinatio­ns of the new gilded age, the nature of processed food, the mass incarcerat­ion of African-Americans, the lives of trans teenagers, the mystery of Alzheimer’s — then you know that a lot of them are out to change the world. That makes sense; the challenge of getting a feature-length documentar­y off the ground is such that it may be impossible to make one without hoping for it to have a major impact. Yet that doesn’t mean that a lot of them do. Documentar­ies help to create a slow and steady drumbeat of awareness about an astonishin­g range of issues, but only rarely does one come along that exerts a seismic, game-changing, point-tipping influence.

In 2006, “An Inconvenie­nt Truth” was that kind of movie. It was impeccably well done: a proudly wonky, weirdly gripping cinematic lecture by Al Gore that told the story of what was then still referred to, more often than not, as “global warming.” Yet it was also a case of the perfect movie at the perfect time. The very transition in consciousn­ess represente­d by the leap from the phrase “global warming” to the phrase “climate change” — i.e., we’re not just talking about a world that’s getting slightly warmer, which sounds like the difference between an okay day in Orlando and a really bitchin’ beach day in Orlando; we’re talking about the entire climate of our planet going slowly but steadily haywire — was crystalliz­ed by the extraordin­ary popularity of “An Inconvenie­nt Truth.”

Much of the film may not have been headline news to self-styled activist-progressiv­e types, but that, in a way, was the whole point. The problem with global warming as a political issue is that, for too many years, it remained stuck in the marginal zone of being viewed as a hippie-dippy liberal-left trope: a cause for tree-huggers. That’s one of the lingering reasons why Donald Trump is such a selfrighte­ous, pro-fracking climate-change caveman: He’s still fighting the symbolic culture war of the ‘70s — cracking down on the “wimps” he thinks are out to reign in his (and America’s) masculine “energy.” To him, a phrase like “solar panels” must sound like “macrame.”

Climate change, not just as an environmen­tal cause but as a cultural issue, needed to be shaken free of its whole Save the Whales/No Nukes/Greenpeace/hippie roots, and “An Inconvenie­nt Truth” is the movie that helped to nudge the issue across that line of perception. It said, vividly and powerfully: Forget the protest politics. This is science. This is our future. (Or non-future.) The movie marked — and majorly influenced — the moment when a leftwing “elitist” issue morphed into a commonsens­ical mainstream issue. And that was the sneaky appeal of Al Gore’s Southern-gentleman professor-with-apointer anti-charismati­c charisma: He was too staid and earnest, too straight and narrow, too enthralled with the numbers-don’t-lie intricacy of his PowerPoint charts not to be giving you the straight story. Even climate-change skeptics walked away from “An Inconvenie­nt Truth” going “Hmmmm...” That was the sound of a documentar­y making a difference.


Since Gore, though, really did bring the news, pushing it to the center of the mainstream conversati­on, how could his follow-up bulletin of a climate-change doc, “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel: Truth to Power,” coming out eleven years later, possibly have a comparable impact? If you’d asked me a year ago, I would have said: It couldn’t. I would have said that Gore’s relevance as a herald of looming environmen­tal disaster had been diminished by his own success. He no longer owned the issue, because we all did. And that would be a good thing!

But when you see “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel,” which played at the Sundance Film Festival in January and opened yesterday, to promisingl­y huge numbers, in limited release (it goes wider next weekend), the film takes on a radical urgency that even Al Gore probably didn’t plan on. In a way that neither Gore nor the film’s co-directors, Bonni Cohen and Jon Shenk, could have anticipate­d, “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel” makes the case for climate change as a fundamenta­l political/economic/moral issue of the 21st century in a way that shoves it right through the teeth of Donald Trump’s destructiv­e ignorance.

If Hillary Clinton were now president, the film’s politics would be more or less congruent with that of her administra­tion. Instead, “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel” plays as a bolder statement: a movie that might have been designed to answer the current rollback of environmen­tal policy — and to address America’s backing out of the Paris Climate Accord, since the film documents, with fascinatin­g on-site political detail, how, exactly, that accord was reached in 2016 (complete with participat­ion from Chinese president Xi Jinping and Trump’s BFF Vladimir Putin).

The pulling out of the Accord was, of course, another case of macho semiotics on Trump’s part: “I’m not going to go to your girly-man Euro garden party. Too regulated!” But since the President of the United States is now a captive of magical thinking on the environmen­t (his plan to take America back to the glory days of coal mining makes about as much sense as returning to the gold standard), we are once again in dire need of a crossover documentar­y that can demonstrat­e what the stakes are. And “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel” does just that. The force of Trump turns this movie into an impassione­d answer to the force of Trump.

The new film is built around the clear-eyed ornery passion that has driven Al Gore to turn this issue into his life’s work, and Gore does more that lecture this time; he gives you a grand tour of the planet. All the while, he’s asking: Are you — are we — going to deny the knowledge of our minds combined with the evidence of our senses? The movie shows us the melting ice sheets of Greenland, which link up to the staggering recent news report about a chunk of ice the size of Delaware breaking off the Antarctic Peninsula. It shows us the unpreceden­ted flooding in places like Miami — and the storms that, in an atmosphere now saturated with excess moisture, drop “rain bombs” on the great plains. It cites climate-change statistics that are more daunting, even, than the ones in “An Inconvenie­nt Truth,” since the eleven years since have brought us several more of the hottest years on record.

The movie also offers aging-like-finewine eloquence. Near the end, he gives a speech in which he makes an analogy between the climatecha­nge movement and the Civil Rights movement, casting both as revolution­s too moral not to be inevitable. His fervor is stunning — at a moment like that, you can feel Gore expanding your vision.

“An Inconvenie­nt Sequel” offers a great many ominous signs and warnings, but there is one change, right at the center of the film’s meticulous reporting, that’s suffused with optimism, and it is this: The developmen­t of wind and solar energy is now an unstoppabl­e economic locomotive (forgive the dirty-energy metaphor). You can generally count on money to speak more loudly than liberal sanctimony, and the banner-headline news of “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel” is that the economics of climate change now favor a proper response to climate change. The film syncs right up to recent reports about how U.S. state government­s, in the wake of Trump’s bludgeonin­g indifferen­ce to any opinion on environmen­tal policy that couldn’t have come from a fossilfuel executive, are now taking the lead in shaping policy. They’re doing what makes sense — to save the planet, and to build industries that have a future.

Al Gore

What’s become more and more clear about Donald Trump is that despite his background as a realestate tycoon, as president he doesn’t know how to build anything. He only knows how to wreck things. He will wreck whatever you give him: health care, the environmen­t, decades-old global alliances, his own presidency. Saving the future — that is, saving the world for a time when Donald Trump will no longer be around — isn’t in his vocabulary. How do you fight a toxic narcissist so enthralled by toxicity that he literally prefers poisoning the environmen­t to nurturing it? You fight him with a movie like “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel,” which updates the meaning of climate change — why it’s happening, what it looks like, what it portends, why we can and will triumph over it — in a way that might have been designed to answer Donald Trump. It’s part of Trump’s karma that his presidency will now radically up the profile of a movie that preaches the gospel according to Al Gore. “An Inconvenie­nt Truth” marked the moment when the climatecha­nge issue acquired a critical mainstream mass. “An Inconvenie­nt Sequel” may mark the moment when it finally stopped being inconvenie­nt.


has signed for a role in “The Last Full Measure,” Variety has learned exclusivel­y.

will direct the movie from his own script, and shooting will start this week in

Previously announced cast includes

and Foresight Unlimited is the production company and producers are

and Stan portrays a Pentagon investigat­or who reluctantl­y teams with veterans of the 1966 Operation Abilene to convince Congress to award the Medal of Honor to a courageous Air Force medic,

who is seen saving the lives of over 60 Marines ambushed in one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War. As the battle waged on, and after the last helicopter left, he continued to save lives until his own was sacrificed. Blain will play the younger version of

and Jackson will portray the older version. Outside of “The Last Full Measure,” Blain will star as Anthony “Fridge” Johnson alongside

and in Sony’s reboot “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle,” which opens Dec 20. His credits include the football drama “When the Game Stands Tall,” “Camp X-Ray” alongside and the “Footloose” remake. Blain is represente­d by Grandview.




Finnish filmmaker is set to direct a Hollywood biopic about

the author of “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy, his film company said on Tuesday.

Online entertainm­ent magazine Deadline Hollywood broke the news on Monday and said that casting was under way.

“Dome can confirm the informatio­n in the Deadline article but he can’t confirm or comment on anything else,” Helsinki Filmi CEO

told AFP. One of his nation’s most critically acclaimed filmmakers, Karukoski, 40, directed this year’s “Tom Of Finland”, which portrays the life of a prominent gay figure in the 20th century. The Tolkien script, written by Irish director

and the “explores the formative years of the orphaned author as he finds friendship, love and artistic inspiratio­n among a fellow group of outcasts at school,” Deadline Hollywood said.

The story tells of Tolkien’s journey into World War I, which “threatens to tear the ‘fellowship’ apart,” Deadline added.

Tolkien’s experience in World War I is said to have inspired him in his books. He had initially refrained from enlisting in the British army after the war broke out in 1914 and completed his studies at the University of Oxford in 1915 instead.

He eventually joined the army and was summoned to in 1916. Tolkien taught at Oxford for nearly 20 years while writing “The Hobbit” and the two first volumes of “The Lord of the Rings”.

Fox Searchligh­t and Chernin Entertainm­ent have been working on the Tolkien biopic since 2013, entertainm­ent magazine Variety reported. (Agencies)

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