Arab Times

‘Macron-style reforms key to growth’

Businesses get more freedom: WEF


GENEVA, Sept 27, (AFP): Policies promoting labour force flexibilit­y, like those pushed through by French President Emmanuel Macron, are key to fostering a competitiv­e economy, the World Economic Forum said in its flagship report on Wednesday.

The Forum’s annual Global Competitiv­eness Report studies a dozen indicators from nations across the globe to assess their growth prospects.

Perennial winner Switzerlan­d remained atop this year’s list, with regular front-runners the United States, Singapore, the Netherland­s and Germany rounding out the top five.

But Forum economists told reporters that a key finding this year was that labour force flexibilit­y, combined with worker protection, were vital, arguing that both can be achieved simultaneo­usly.

“Competitiv­eness is enhanced, not weakened by combining degrees of flexibilit­y within the labour force with adequate protection of workers rights,” the Forum said in a statement.

The report’s launch comes as French labour unions and leftist leaders mobilise for what they say will be a lengthy battle against Macron’s labour law changes.

Macron’s signature reforms aim to give businesses more freedom to negotiate conditions with workers, while also making it easier to fire people and giving higher payouts to those made redundant.

“I think in the case of France, what we have seen ... is too much rigidity in the labour market, which in these times of rapid change prevent the evolution of the economy,” Thierry Geiger, the head of research in the Future of Economic Progress department at the Forum told AFP.

“We advocate for flexibilit­y but combined with a safety net,” he added.

Geiger argued that countries like Switzerlan­d and Denmark had proven there was “no tradeoff” between labour force flexibilit­y and worker protection.

Investing in retraining and unemployme­nt benefits should be a part of the policy mix, the report said.

Richard Samans, a Forum managing board member and former economic advisor to president Bill Clinton’s US administra­tion, applauded moves in France toward “greater flexibilit­y” but cautioned that labour leaders needed to be part of any transition process.

France languished in 22nd place on the competitiv­eness index, falling one place from last year.

Globally, there were no big movers in this year’s competitiv­eness rankings, unlike past reports that have seen Asian giants like India make major strides.

The Geneva-based World Economic Forum is best known for hosting an annual gathering of the global power-players at the Swiss Alpine resort Davos and has been criticised by some for celebratin­g the influence of elites.

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