Arab Times

Mosquito gut bacteria may hold key to fighting malaria

US braces for bad flu season


WASHINGTON, Sept 30, (Agencies): Mosquitoes harbor gut bacteria just like people do — and the bugs inside the bugs may hold a key to fighting malaria.

Today, bed nets and insecticid­es are the chief means of preventing malaria, which sickens about 200 million people around the world and kills 400,000 a year, mostly children in Africa. But what if scientists instead could hatch malariares­istant mosquitoes?

Johns Hopkins University researcher­s reported Thursday that beneficial bacteria living inside a mosquito’s gut can help do just that — two somewhat accidental discoverie­s that, if they pan out, might one day offer a novel way to protect against malaria.

“If you get it to work, these mosquitoes would remain resistant”, said George Dimopoulos, a microbiolo­gy professor at Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who helped lead the research. Instead of having to kill swarms of mosquitoes, “you would basically convert a malaria transmitti­ng mosquito population to one that cannot transmit”.

Malaria is spread by female Anopheles mosquitoes that bite an infected person and then, after the disease-causing parasites incubate inside the insect’s gut, pass on the infection by biting someone else.

People, animals, even insects harbor a community of mostly healthy intestinal bacteria, what’s called the gut microbiome. Researcher­s have long known that some of those natural mosquito germs are capable of attacking malaria parasites. The hurdle: How to spread that protection to enough mosquitoes in the wild to make a difference.

One Hopkins team discovered an oddball strain of bacteria that mosquitoes can easily pass to one another. Called Serratia AS1, it lives in both the gut and ovaries of mosquitoes. Unlike other mosquito germs, males transmit this strain to females during mating, and females can infect their offspring.

Geneticall­y altering that bacteria to emit some anti-malaria compounds suppressed parasite growth without hurting the mosquitoes. Researcher­s fed the revved-up germs to a small number of mosquitoes and let them mate with normal mosquitoes in the lab. Sure enough, the entire next generation harbored the malaria-suppressin­g germ, Hopkins malaria researcher Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena reported in the journal Science.

In a second set of experiment­s, Dimopoulos’ team made an even more curious discovery. They altered a mosquito immunity gene to make it more active and help the insects better fend off malaria in the first place.

Somehow, that subtle genetic change also altered the insects’ usual gut bacteria and made them more attractive to mates. Modified male mosquitoes began seeking out unmodified females, and unmodified males sought out modified females, Dimopoulos said.

The theory is that tamping down gut bacteria altered the mosquitoes’ scent. Whatever the explanatio­n, a colony of mosquitoes in Dimopoulos’ lab has retained malaria resistance for seven years.

Mosquito experts not involved with the research called the work promising.

Zika: Zika has been around for decades but only recently began to cause birth defects due to a single mutation the mosquito-borne virus likely acquired in 2013, researcher­s said Thursday.

The report in the US journal Science explains for the first time how this once relatively harmless virus transforme­d into a global health threat. The mutation in one of its structural proteins, called pRM, is believed to have arisen prior to the 2013 outbreak in French Polynesia, said the Science report.

That change in the pathogen’s protective coat made the virus more likely to kill developing brain cells in mice and people compared to older versions of the virus, experiment­s showed.


WASHINGTON: It’s flu shot time, and health officials are bracing for a potentiall­y miserable fall and winter.

The clues: The Southern Hemisphere, especially Australia, was hit hard over the past few months with a flu strain that’s notorious for causing severe illness, especially in seniors.

And in the US, small clusters of that so-called H3N2 flu already are popping up.

“We don’t know what’s going to happen but there’s a chance we could have a season similar to Australia”, Dr Daniel Jernigan, influenza chief at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told The Associated Press.

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