Arab Times

Macron a godsend – Lindner:


The leader of Germany’s Free Democrats (FDP) called French President Emmanuel Macron a “godsend” on Sunday, welcoming his proposals for more European cooperatio­n in areas ranging from defence and migration to energy and the digital economy.

Striking a far more conciliato­ry tone than he did during the German election campaign, Christian Lindner echoed the language that Macron used during a speech at the Sorbonne University last week in which he spelled out an ambitious vision for Europe. “We should not focus on red lines, but rather on common horizons,” Lindner told the Bild am Sonntag (BAMS) newspaper when asked about Macron’s calls for deeper euro zone integratio­n, which the FDP leader had criticised throughout the campaign.

“Macron is a godsend. More cooperatio­n in crime fighting, the military, asylum, energy and digital is within reach,” Lindner added.

The FDP is expected to enter negotiatio­ns with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservati­ves and the environmen­talist Greens in the coming weeks with the aim of forming a new three-way coalition government that has never been tried before at the federal level.

During the election campaign the FDP dismissed Macron’s plans to create a budget and finance minister for the euro zone and it has therefore been viewed as a major impediment to efforts by Macron and Merkel to agree far-reaching reforms in Europe.

In the BAMS, Lindner made clear that the FDP would not agree to create new “redistribu­tion pots” in the euro zone. He has described a euro zone budget as a “red line” that his party will never support. (RTRS)


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