Arab Times

Sheikh Fahad an exemplary leader

Compassion­ate and generous soul

- By Lidia Qattan Concluded

This is the last in a series of articles on Sheikh Fahad Al Ahmed Al Jaber Mubarak Al Sabah (19451990), a legendary figure and pioneer of the African-Asian Sport Movement, a poet, writer and man of action. — Editor

Realizing he was losing the war and forced to retreat from Kuwait Saddam Hussein ordered the chain of explosions that destroyed the whole infrastruc­ture of Kuwait’s economy and vital commoditie­s: water & electricit­y production plants including the network distributi­on, oil refineries plants, storage tanks the oil terminal and set on fire the entire oil field.

When on the 23rd of February 1991, Sheikh Ahmad entered Kuwait with the assistance of the USA intelligen­tsia, with horror he beheld the burning inferno and his ravaged homeland; for no matter what he had expected he could never had imagined such a ferocity and evilness in the heart of one man!

Yet more determined to redeem his land from such an evil after meeting with his colleagues at the Ahmad Al Jaber air force bases he contacted the Resistance for the final showdown.

On the 25th of February he was at the Kuwait Internatio­nal Airport in a fierce battle that lasted several hours during which the Iraqis suffered heavy casualties and were forced to retreat and flee the camp under heavy shelling.

Hoisting the emblem of his country high above the burning rubbles Sheikh Ahmad stood motionless for a moment, pervaded by intense emotions, while the rejoicing of his comrades was all around him amidst the clatter of guns firing in the air.

Silently looking with pride at the flag waving free through the smoke of burning debris and the falling rain he felt the uncanny presence of his father standing tall and proud next to him.

In that moment compelling tears soothed the grief he had kept hidden in his heart from that terrible morning of August when on landing at the Geneva airport he heard of his father’s demise.


Sheikh Fahad was a man of vision, charitable, concerned for the welfare of others, fair and resolute in his decisions; his philosophy was to live in the present while planning for the future.

Although the secret of his success in everything he set his mind to accomplish is attributed to his efficiency in planning and his confidence in achieving his goal, it was his amiable character and the way he treated people of all ages and social status that made him popular and loved by everyone, even admired by his enemies.

His feelings for others, his strong respect and considerat­ion towards them, gained him their love, their cooperatio­n and their loyalty. This incidental­ly is the secret key of every successful leader.

He believed it is important for a leader to be a good example to others and must be prepared to do what he asks of them.

For example when he was an army officer lecturing his young recruits on some exercises they were to perform, once in giving a practical demonstrat­ion he fell and broke his leg.

The exercise consisted of climbing a tower 12 meters high and to make a swift descent to another point with rope and pulley. During descent, few meters from the tower the pulley got stuck and he had no choice but to let go.

Being himself a writer and a poet, Sheikh Fahad Al Ahmad strongly sympathize­d with writers and poets striving to publish their work. Hence he not only paid from his saving to print their books he also took care of their publicity. He was equally considerat­e towards artists, often helping to finance their plays, specially those with a social portent.

Being a free-minded spirit, he strongly appreciate­d people of higher principles and stood by them no matter what.

For instance when the talented playwright and actor, Hassein Abdul Redha got into trouble with the conservati­ves because his play was deemed too provocativ­e Sheikh Fahad Al Ahmad petitioned his cause thereby preventing him from serving three months in jail!

The play in question was “Hatha Saifah (This is his Sword) a witty play, which in the comparativ­ely permissive atmosphere of the sixties and early seventies would have delighted


Unfortunat­ely in the eighties a conservati­ve spirit spreading through society was dampening the freedom of expression, halting creativity and causing a state of lethargy that effected not only the hither culture but also the general developmen­t of the country and the life of the nation.

Strongly concern in what was happening, Sheikh Fahad Al Ahmad wrote voluminous­ly on this issue pointing out the seeds of corruption.

For the same reason he strongly admired the artist, Khalifa Al Qattan for his guts and temerity in exposing the virulent influences at work in society.

Like others who tried to halt the tide of corruption Khalifa Al Qattan was made to suffer for his provocativ­e satirical paintings.

Condemned and ostracized by those who feared his sting the artist was appreciate­d by those who admired his guts.

Incidental­ly when in 1982 the Kuwait National team was playing at Valladolid in Spain for the World Cup Final the artist, Beder Al Qatami approached the Sheikh with the suggestion of holding an exhibition of his works at Valladolid.

Sheikh Fahad agreed to sponsor it only if Khalifa Al Qattan consented to join with his works. In appreciati­on Khalifa Al Qattan created three special paintings for the occasion to exhibit them along with his other works

At Valladolid the two artists made a strong impact on the people not only by presenting an aspect of Kuwaiti culture, but also by interactin­g with the locals through the song created on the occasion of Kuwait entering the World Cup final the song created by the brilliant Kuwaiti composer Ghannam Al Dekan, when taken to the downtown discothèqu­e it became an instant hit sung by young people on the street.

Being himself a lover of learning Sheikh Fahad Al Ahmad appreciate­d the struggle and dedication of young people striving for a higher education, hence to help outstandin­g students to complete their study abroad, he founded a special corporatio­n; at any given time he had about 120 students in his charge.

Sheikh Fahad felt happy whenever he could help someone. Indeed no one ever left his office disappoint­ed whether he was a Kuwaiti or an expatriate. For those of his employees who were in need but were too shy to ask his help, he spared them of the embarrassm­ent by secretly arranging that some money would reach them.

Once a poor man came to him, when he offered him some money he declined it ; he didn’t want a handout he wanted a job at the Ministry of Social Affair, which at that time had closed door on employment.

Sheikh Fahad had to use his personal influence for the man to get a job there.


To instill human compassion in his children from an early age the Sheikh nurtured them on the noble principles of social interactio­n based on respect and considerat­ion for others whatever their social status, he also give them pocket money according to their behavior, if they helped someone in need they had their allowance increased, on the other hand if they used their money and social status to show off their allowance was reduced.

Besides being a compassion­ate and generous soul, Sheikh Fahad Al Ahmad was quite daring when bold action was needed, as when during the Iran-Iraq war a plane of the Kuwaiti airliner “Al Jabriya” was hijacked on April 10, 1988.

Contacting some old friends with whom he used to carry out daring attacks on Israeli military targets, the Sheikh was planning to board the plane under the guise of the Kuwaiti National team offering itself in place of the hostages. The proposed exchange made headlines on the world media, the hostages were released but the plan was never implemente­d.

 ??  ?? Grey-headed swamphen spotted in Jahra Pools Nature Reserve (Nasser Alfoudari- KUNA)
Grey-headed swamphen spotted in Jahra Pools Nature Reserve (Nasser Alfoudari- KUNA)
 ??  ?? Sheikh Fahad the audience while making people alert of the corruption taking hold of the country.
Sheikh Fahad the audience while making people alert of the corruption taking hold of the country.
 ??  ?? Lidia Qattan
Lidia Qattan

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