Arab Times

Jihadists in flight disperse fighters


BEIRUT, Oct 3, (AFP): The Islamic State group is under attack across the remaining parts of its self-proclaimed caliphate, but what happens to its thousands of fighters as their group loses grip on territory?

Facing multiple offensives, the jihadist group has lost the Libyan city of Sirte, Iraq’s Mosul and Ramadi, and is now on the verge of being ousted from its former Syrian stronghold Raqqa.

At its peak IS counted tens of thousands of fighters among its ranks, with US officials estimating as many as 40,000 foreign fighters travelled to join the jihadists over the years.

How many have been killed, arrested?

Forces attacking IS have regularly reported the deaths and arrests of large numbers of jihadists, but their figures are often vague and cannot be independen­tly verified.

“We can’t give an exact number of those arrested but we can say that there are a good number of them being detained by our forces,” said Mustafa Bali, spokesman for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces currently battling IS in Syria.

In Iraq’s Mosul, journalist­s saw the bodies of jihadists killed in fighting on the streets, but they numbered no more than a few dozen at any time, far less than the hundreds authoritie­s often said had died in combat.

Other IS fighters may have been arrested and then executed.

In July, the Human Rights Watch group accused a unit of Iraq’s army of carrying out summary executions of

suspected jihadist prisoners.

Hiding among civilians?

A persistent fear for forces attacking IS is that its fighters will try to blend into the civilian population, either fleeing along with the displaced or staying behind in homes.

“The problem of operatives hiding among civilians who flee is certainly a major issue,” said Aymenn al-Tamimi, a research fellow at the Middle East Forum.

“Operatives might stay behind and melt into the wider civilian population to function as sleeper cells or recruit others to become part of sleeper cells as well,” he told AFP.

In Syria, Bali said, some IS fighters “have been discovered in camps for the displaced via our databases”.

Others have been turned in by civilians who recognised and reported them.

But some fighters slip through nonetheles­s, especially as “some civilians are afraid to report them, fearing revenge will be taken against them,” said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights monitor.

Iraqi forces, like their counterpar­ts in Syria, use a database to pick out suspected IS fighters from among civilians.

But a local Iraqi official said “a large number of DAESH elements are hiding among the population in Mosul, particular­ly in the Old City,” using the Arabic acronym for IS.

Their presence is evidenced by “the assassinat­ions and bombings that continue daily”, said Hisham al-Hashimi, a researcher who specialise­s in jihadist movements.

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