Arab Times

Amir condemns Bahrain attack


KUWAIT CITY, Oct 3, (Agencies): His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad AlJaber Al-Sabah sent Monday a cable to Bahraini King Hamad bin Issa Al-Khalifa over the terrorist attack that hit the fellow Gulf country earlier in the day.

In the cable, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah voiced Kuwait’s strongest condemnati­on of the attack that led to the injury of five security personnel in the capital, Manama.

His Highness the Amir also said that Kuwait will stand against those eager to cause terror and instabilit­y in Bahrain, affirming that Kuwaitis were standing in solidarity with the

Bahraini leadership and people.

His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah also sent similar cables to the Bahraini Monarch.

Five Bahraini policemen were lightly injured in a “terrorist explosion” outside the capital Manama on Monday, the state news agency reported.

The agency said the blast occurred in the village of Daih on Budaiya road while the policemen were guarding a procession by Shi’ite Muslims marking the annual Ashura festival, which commemorat­es the death of Prophet Mohammad’s (PBUH) grandson Imam Hussein some 1400 years ago.

The agency quoted the interior ministry as saying on its Twitter account that “the necessary steps” were being taken, without giving any details.

The explosion was the latest in a series of attacks targeting policemen in the Western-allied country, where the US Fifth Fleet is based.

The government blames the attacks on Shi’ite militants it says are backed by Iran to destabilis­e the country, a charge Tehran denies.

In June, a member of Bahrain’s security forces was killed in an explosion in the village of Diraz, the hometown of the spiritual leader of the country’s Shi’ite community Ayatollah Isa Qassim. The interior ministry blamed “terrorists” for the attack.

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