Arab Times

Chief won’t stop cops seeking church ‘help’

‘Drug war kills poor only’


MANILA, Oct 3, (RTRS): The Philippine­s’ top police commander on Tuesday said he would not prevent officers involved in the country’s bloody war on drugs from seeking church protection and testifying to their alleged abuses, providing they told the truth.

Police chief was reacting to a statement from a senior Catholic prelate expressing “willingnes­s to grant accommodat­ion, shelter, and protection” to police involved in unlawful killings during the 15-month-old crackdown.

More than 3,800 people have been killed during President Rodrigo Duterte’s ruthless campaign, in what police say are anti-drugs operations during which suspects had violently resisted arrest.

Human rights group believe that figure, provided by the Philippine National Police (PNP), misreprese­nts the scale of the bloodshed, pointing to large numbers of killings by shadowy gunmen. The PNP denies allegation­s that assassins are operating in league with some of its officers to kill drug users.

“The pill may be bitter but we can swallow the bitter pill if that pill is true,” dela Rosa told reporters, adding that he had no informatio­n that any PNP members had approached the church and wanted to speak out.

“Even if we are at the receiving end, we can take it as long as it is the truth, not just fabricated. The truth is important.”

The PNP and Duterte have been on the defensive in recent weeks as scrutiny intensifie­s over the conduct of mostly plain-clothes officers during what the PNP calls “buy bust” sting operations.

Duterte has several times stated that he has never told police to kill, unless in self defence. His critics, however, accuse him of inciting murder in his frequent, truculent speeches.

The killings by police of two teenagers during August is the subject of an ongoing Senate inquiry. Opinion polls released in recent days, which were compiled in June, show doubt among Filipinos about police accounts.

Dela Rosa


Archbishop Socrates Villegas, president of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippine­s (CBCP), on Monday said some police sought church help and were struggling to come to terms with their actions. He did not identify them, or say how many sought protection.

He said the church would gauge their sincerity and honesty and establish their motives for coming forward. Priests would help “within the bounds of church and civil laws”, but would not influence them to testify.

“Their conscience­s are troubling them,” Villegas said.

“They have expressed their desire to come out in the open about their participat­ing in extrajudic­ial killings and summary executions.”

Some Senators applauded the bishops’ move and urged police to testify.

“I welcome the willingnes­s of these involved policemen to finally speak about their actual involvemen­t in the extrajudic­ial killings,” Grace Poe said in a statement.

“I laud the church in opening its arms wide to provide sanctuary for them.”

Priests are among the most influentia­l dissenters to take on Duterte, having initially been silent when the drugs killings started.

Some churches have given sanctuary to drug users and witnesses of killings, while some priests have denounced the bloodshed during sermons and called for bells to be rang nightly in protest.

Meanwhile, most Filipinos believe only the poor are killed in their country’s war on drugs, and want President Duterte to reveal the identity of alleged narcotics kingpins and charge them in court, a survey released on Monday showed.

The survey of 1,200 Filipinos by Social Weather Stations (SWS) conducted late in June also showed public opinion was split over the validity of police accounts of operations against illegal drugs that resulted in deaths.

More than 3,800 people have been killed during Duterte’s 15-month-old crackdown, all during police operations.


Human rights group say the death toll is much higher and the official figures overlook murders attributed to shadowy vigilantes. Some activists say unknown gunmen have collaborat­ed with police to kill drug dealers and users.

Police and the government vehemently reject those allegation­s and accuse critics of exaggerati­ng the death toll for political gain.

The high death toll in Duterte’s fight against crime and drugs, a key election plank, has stoked internatio­nal alarm, although domestic polls have shown Filipinos are largely supportive of the tough measures.

The crackdown has come under heavy scrutiny of late, prompted largely by the police killing of a 17-yearold student on Aug 16. Two witnesses on Monday told a senate inquiry they saw police officers kill another teenager arrested earlier in the same area for robbery.

In both teen killings, however, police said the victims had violently resisted arrest. A third teenager arrested with the second victim was found dead with 30 stab wounds in a province about a three-hour drive away from the capital.

Duterte has several times brandished what he called a file on 6,000 alleged druglords at the centre of the country’s trade. In the SWS survey, 74 percent of respondent­s said they wanted him to make that list public.

The survey also showed 60 percent agreed with the statement that only poor drug pushers were killed.

Duterte, who enjoys huge support among working class Filipinos, has been angered by critics who characteri­sed his campaign as a war against the poor.

The survey also showed nearly half of respondent­s were undecided whether police were telling the truth when saying that drugs war deaths happened only when suspects refused to go quietly.

Twenty-eight percent said the police were lying but a quarter believed they were being honest.

The Philippine­s, extremely sensitive about foreign criticism of its drugs war, last week accused the West of bias, hypocrisy and interferen­ce after 39 nations, most of them European, expressed concern about the drugrelate­d killings.

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