Arab Times

Kuwait re-affirms concern over plights of Rohingya, other people

‘Grave breaches of human rights’


NEW YORK, Nov 4, (KUNA): The State of Kuwait has expressed deep distress and concern at flagrant breaches of the Rohingya people’s rights, namely their right to live.

The official Kuwaiti stance was re-affirmed by Jawaher Ibrahim Al-Duaij Al-Sabah, the state First Secretary, in her address on behalf of the

permanent mission to the UN, to a United Nations General Assembly’s session about human rights.

The First Secretary regretted continuing grave breaches of human rights, witnessed in many regions across the globe, posing “an extremely complex challenge to the internatio­nal community which should deal with it with care and wisdom”. It is extremely regretful that “most of these challenges are happening in our region where fire of armed strifes continues to rage in more than one area, threatenin­g livelihood of sisterly peoples and violating basic rights of weak communitie­s resulting in their relocation,” she said.

The State of Kuwait condemns in strongly-worded language continuous occupation of the Palestinia­n territorie­s by the Israeli forces and their blatant acts of abuse against the unarmed Palestinia­n people, neglecting the internatio­nal law, the internatio­nal humanitari­an law and various relevant resolution­s of the Security Council, Jawaher Ibrahim Al-Duaij added in her statement during the session, during which attendees debated the 67th article of the agenda, “the Human Rights Council Report.” The Kuwaiti representa­tive called for updating national and internatio­nal legislatio­ns on human rights in tandem with developmen­ts happening across the world, nowadays.

On Kuwait’s cooperatio­n with the UN at the human rights’ level, she underscore­d the February visit to the country by the UN High Commission­er for Human Rights, Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein, during which he was apprised of national efforts in this respect; namely endorsemen­t of the child rights, establishm­ent of the Human Rights Diwan, the Family Court and enactment of the juveniles’ law.

Last year, the UN Special Rapporteur on traffickin­g in persons and the special team specialize­d in indiscrimi­nation against women visited Kuwait too.

Currently, Kuwait looks forward to a visit by the special rapporteur­s on adequate housing and persons with disabiliti­es.

Moreover, it continuous­ly aspires to boost cooperatio­n with the UN High Commission­er for Human Rights, hoping to see the internatio­nal community shoulderin­g its responsibi­lities to back him in his mission for boosting and safeguardi­ng human rights as a global cause.

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