Arab Times

‘11/8/16’ offers insight into US presidency

‘Obamaland’ a political sci-fi satire


WBy Dennis Harvey

hether you view our current POTUS as “making America great again” or as a potentiall­y mortal wound to democracy itself, few would disagree that his surprise election over Hillary Clinton was one of those turning points that will linger long in the history books. Just in time for the one-year anniversar­y of the event — and just as the Mueller investigat­ion, which might well bring the still-new administra­tion down, kicks into gear — comes “11/8/16,” producer Jeff Deutchman’s mosaic view of ordinary Americans on that fateful day last year. He commission­ed video crews in fourteen different locations nationwide to record disparate citizens’ experience­s of what even most stalwart Trump supporters considered a remarkable upset.

It’s a fine, time-capsule-ready concept. Yet the surprise of this decently assembled yet underwhelm­ing documentar­y is that it ekes so little drama out of a moment that could scarcely have been more packed with it. In the process, it provides scant insight into a US presidency that’s been stormier than any in modern memory. It’s a curiously low-key filmic footnote to an unhinged political era.

The Trump backers here are Average Joes: A Massachuse­tts small businessma­n and West Virginia coal miner (reviving the coal industry has indeed been one campaign promise Trump has endeavored to keep) who each trust their guy will improve their personal finances, plus an Army vet with PTSD. In line with much of the streetleve­l discourse last year, they mostly complain of “not liking” or “distrustin­g” Clinton, with few specific critiques, while excusing Trump’s admitted misogynist­ic and racist rhetoric as forgivable faults he can clean up in the future. They’re hopeful, but none seem very confident of his victory.

By contrast, some of the Clinton supporters here are insiders, including the campaign’s director of video and the chief of Kent State’s campus Democratic club; both are exhilarate­d by the prospect of a woman POTUS at last. There’s also a Philadelph­ia union leader and an artist couple in upstate New York. With all advance polls suggesting things will go Clinton’s way, it takes many long, denial-filled hours for these folks to grasp it hasn’t. Also included are a smattering of media workers who seem equally surprised, even as they maintain a profession­al neutrality — in particular, a Los Angeles Times political editor and a Philadelph­ia radio journalist.

Offering further diversity is a Mormon housewife canvassing for “anti-Trump Republican” Evan McMullin, who ran as an independen­t. (Supporters of the more popular Libertaria­n and Green Party candidates are not represente­d here.) Even farther uncoupled from the political process are a homeless Hawaii couple who live on the beach. They vaguely suspect Trump might be the worse option, but they’re so far off-grid they don’t believe politics effect them at all.

A number of people here talk about how disenfranc­hised they feel from the entire system. Perhaps the most interestin­g voices in that respect are those who have concrete reasons for feeling marginaliz­ed: notably a middle-aged African-American man voting for the first time after being exonerated for murders that kept him on death row for 30 years; Spanish-speaking Dreamers terrified their families may soon be broken up by forced deportatio­n; and a Sikh cabbie in New York City experienci­ng escalating public harassment because abusive louts assume his turban means he’s Muslim.


Such stories offer compelling if fleeting human interest that personaliz­es current hot-button political issues. But too much of “11/8/16” feels superficia­l and unmemorabl­e, despite the range of talents of the filmmakers and the interviewe­e demographi­cs. In short, we don’t sense enough of the anger in the air, the acute divisivene­ss that made the most recent presidenti­al campaign the ugliest in decades, if not all time. Things are mentioned, but almost never viscerally felt, except perhaps from the soldier who admits he’s struggled with psychologi­cal stability since leaving the service. With no discernibl­e “alt-righters” among its subjects, you’d have no clue from what’s presented that neo-Nazis and white supremacis­ts would soon be marching openly on US streets, emboldened by a POTUS they view as their ally.

Though smoothly intercut by editors Jon Lefkovitz and Martha Shane, these strands don’t build much tension or excitement even as the shorter “Morning” and “Afternoon” sections give way to an “Evening” in which some shocked tears are finally shed. But those don’t carry a great deal of impact, either. Indeed, “11/8/16” might be more effective if paired with Deutchman’s prior, nearidenti­cal “11/4/08” (2010), which took the pulse of another highly dramatic election day, and incorporat­ed some internatio­nal viewpoints.

But neither movie really captures the roiling emotions or complex issues of two unforgetta­ble days in American life. The lack of musical scoring, a bit of Beethoven aside, further underlines a well-intentione­d effort’s stubborn refusal or inability to tease out the real-life intensity of its subject matter.


One of the more offbeat titles selling at the American Film Market is the political science-fiction satire “Obamaland,” produced by Bergman Film Company, in associatio­n with Tomangie Films.

The company has been handing out red caps at the Loews Hotel with the satirical inscriptio­n “Make America Not Great Again” in hopes of enticing buyers to attend a Sunday screening in Santa Monica, Calif.

Set in the year 2040, the film explores the idea of an alternate future in which President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan tragically fell from Trump Tower before Inaugurati­on Day and created a scenario in which Barack Obama declares himself president for life, and remains president for another two decades. (RTRS)

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