Arab Times

LEDs boost light pollution worldwide

Brighter nights bad news for creatures, humans


CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida, Nov 23, (Agencies): The world’s nights are getting alarmingly brighter — bad news for all sorts of creatures, humans included.

A German-led team reported Wednesday that light pollution is threatenin­g darkness almost everywhere. Satellite observatio­ns during five Octobers show Earth’s artificial­ly lit outdoor area grew by 2 percent a year from 2012 to 2016. So did nighttime brightness.

Light pollution is actually worse than that, according to the researcher­s. Their measuremen­ts coincide with the outdoor switch to energy-efficient and cost-saving Light-Emitting Diodes, or LEDs. Because the imaging sensor on the polar-orbiting weather satellite can’t detect the LED-generated color blue, some light is missed.

The observatio­ns, for example, indicate stable levels of night light in the United States, Netherland­s, Spain and Italy. But light pollution is almost certainly on the rise in those countries given this elusive blue light, said Christophe­r Kyba of the GFZ German Research Center for Geoscience­s and lead author of the study published in Science Advances.

Also on the rise is the spread of light into the hinterland­s and overall increased use. The findings shatter the long-held notion that more energy efficient lighting would decrease usage on the global — or at least a national — scale.

“Honestly, I had thought and assumed and hoped that with LEDs we were turning the corner. There’s also a lot more awareness of light pollution,” he told reporters by phone from Potsdam. “It is quite disappoint­ing.”

The biological impact from surging artificial light is also significan­t, according to the researcher­s.

People’s sleep can be marred, which in turn can affect their health. The migration and reproducti­on of birds, fish, amphibians, insects and bats can be disrupted. Plants can have abnormally extended growing periods. And forget about seeing stars or the Milky Way, if the trend continues.

About the only places with dramatic declines in night light were in areas of conflict like Syria and Yemen, the researcher­s found. Australia also reported a noticeable drop, but that’s because wildfires were raging early in the study. Researcher­s were unable to filter out the bright burning light.

Asia, Africa and South America, for the most part, saw a surge in artificial night lighting.

More and more places are installing outdoor lighting given its low cost and the overall growth in communitie­s’ wealth, the scientists noted. Urban sprawl is also moving towns farther out. The outskirts of major cities in developing nations are brightenin­g quite rapidly, in fact, Kyba said.

Other especially bright hot spots: sprawling greenhouse­s in the Netherland­s and elsewhere.


Photos taken by astronauts aboard the Internatio­nal Space Station also illuminate the growing problem.

Franz Holker of the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin, a co-author, said things are at the critical point.

“Many people are using light at night without really thinking about the cost,” Holker said. Not just the economic cost, “but also the cost that you have to pay from an ecological, environmen­tal perspectiv­e.”

Kyba and his colleagues recommend avoiding glaring lamps whenever possible — choosing amber over socalled white LEDs — and using more efficient ways to illuminate places like parking lots or city streets. For example, dim, closely spaced lights tend to provide better visibility than bright lights that are more spread out.

The Internatio­nal Dark-Sky Associatio­n , based in Tucson, Arizona, has been highlighti­ng the hazards of artificial night light for decades.

“We hope that the results further sound the alarm about the many unintended consequenc­es of the unchecked use of artificial light at night,” Director J. Scott Feierabend said in a statement.

An instrument on the 2011-launched US weather satellite, Suomi, provided the observatio­ns for this study. A second such instrument — known as the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, or VIIRS — was launched on a new satellite Saturday by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion. This latest VIIRS will join the continuing night light study.

They were supposed to bring about an energy revolution — but the popularity of LED lights is driving an increase in light pollution worldwide, with dire consequenc­es for human and animal health, researcher­s said Wednesday.

The study in the journal Science Advances is based on satellite data showing that the Earth’s night is getting brighter, and artificial­ly lit outdoor surfaces grew at a pace of 2.2 percent per year from 2012 to 2016.

Experts say that’s a problem because nighttime lights are known to disrupt our body clocks and raise the risks of cancer, diabetes and depression.

As for animals, these lights can kill — whether by attracting insects or disorienti­ng migrating birds or sea turtles.

“We’ll light something that we didn’t light before, like a bicycle path though a park or a section of highway leading outside of town that in the past wasn’t lit,” he said.

“And so all of those new uses of light offset, to some extent, the savings that you had.”

Experts call this the “rebound effect,” and it can be seen with fueleffici­ent cars, too. People may buy a car that requires less fuel, then decide to drive it more often or move further from work, lengthenin­g their commute.

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