Arab Times


- By Jacqueline Bigar

Happy birthday for Monday, January 22,

2018: This year you open up new doors just by being yourself. You often feel restrained or as if a certain complicati­on is putting pressure on you. You probably need to release these feelings in order to change the situation. If you are single, you are likely to open up to some very different people, only to discover that you don’t really mix well with them. Consider pulling back some. If you are attached, you tend to want to distance yourself, as you could be coming from a place of insecurity. Confide in your significan­t other, and you’ll be happy you did. ARIES offers provocativ­e ideas.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult.

Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

**** You seem to be more serious than you have been in quite a while. Know that you cannot keep pushing as hard as you have been. Touch base with a roommate or loved one before making a decision. This person needs to be heard. Tonight: Buy a gift for a friend on the way home.

Aquarius - (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

**** Your softer nature speaks for itself. You could find that you keep returning to the same thoughts. Perhaps you need to act on your feelings in order to clear out these redundant inner conversati­ons. How you deal with a situation is likely to change. Tonight: At a favorite haunt.

Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

**** You might be more possessive than you realize. As a result, you are likely to push a loved one away. Try to loosen up and not be so concerned. You could be going through a period of feeling undesirabl­e, which probably is the cause for your behavior. Tonight: Call it early.

Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

**** You have pushed hard to have more control than you have in the past. A situation involving your community might be tiring in some way. Others seem to drop responsibi­lity after responsibi­lity on you. Be willing to say the word “no” more often. Tonight: Accept an offer.

Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20)

*** Don’t allow news from a distance to get the best of you. What you are hearing is hearsay and not necessaril­y true; let it go until you have all the facts. Focus on what is going to happen with a key loved one who seems a bit off. Tonight: Allow yourself to be entertaine­d.

Gemini - (May 21 - June 20)

***** Zero in on what is a high priority for you. Do not allow your friends to distract you or change your mind. Express your concern for a dear loved one. You have had enough of someone’s frugality; help this person to loosen up. Tonight: Go where crowds can be found.

Cancer - (June 21 - July 22)

**** Others seem to be unusually touchy and perhaps even difficult. Relax, and know that this negativity will transform fast enough. Listen to a loved one’s feedback. Let go and celebrate. Create more good times, and you will be happier in general. Tonight: Keep it exciting and upbeat.

Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22)

**** You easily could feel a bit off-kilter. Try to walk in someone else’s shoes, and you are likely to come to an understand­ing. A fresh perspectiv­e allows you to find a middle road. You also will find others much friendlier and more amenable. Tonight: Don’t hesitate to test out a new idea.

Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

***** You will want to defer to an associate or partner about a financial matter. This person seems to have a broader vision of what is possible. A new friend might distance him- or herself some. Understand that this person could be feeling insecure. Tonight: Roll with the punches.

Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

***** If an associate wants to dominate, let him or her; otherwise, you could find yourself in an ugly situation. Understand your limits, but also pay attention to this person’s agenda. As you observe, keep smiling. Avoid having a knee-jerk reaction. Tonight: Sort through possibilit­ies.

Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

**** You might have had a difficult time dealing with an important matter as of late. Let go of the recent past, and start looking at the issue differentl­y. You might not have all the answers yet, but you will, given some time. You will come to the right conclusion. Tonight: Just be yourself.

Sagittariu­s - (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

***** Your creativity might be called upon by others, but first you need to handle a personal matter. Brainstorm with someone who always seems to come up with good solutions. Be more forthright in how you approach a loved one. Tonight: Express how you feel about an issue.

Born today: Singer/songwriter Steve Perry (1949), record producer DJ Jazzy Jeff (1965), actress Linda Blair (1959)

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