Arab Times

‘Close police loophole’:


The 18-yearold woman was driving with two friends near Coney Island in September when the two plaincloth­es detectives pulled her over and found marijuana. The officers released the two male passengers, handcuffed the woman and told her she was under arrest, prosecutor­s say.

Then, investigat­ors say, detectives Eddie Martins and Richard Hall repeatedly sexually assaulted her before releasing her. The woman went to the hospital, where prosecutor­s say DNA was obtained that matched both men.

But the officers have pleaded not guilty to rape and other charges, and the case has highlighte­d an apparent loophole in the laws of New York and many other states that may allow police to escape sexual assault charges by claiming sex acts were consensual. While New York law already bars sexual contact between correction­s workers and inmates, it doesn’t apply explicitly to police.

“I was shocked,” Democratic state Sen Diane Savino said of when she learned of the oversight. “It should be clear across the state for officers from every department, that when someone is in custody they do not have the ability to consent to sexual activity.”

Gov Andrew Cuomo is part of a bipartisan push to close what the Democrat calls “an egregious loophole” with legislatio­n that would make it clear that people in police custody cannot give consent. A bill has already passed the state Assembly and was pending in

the Senate. (AP)

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