Arab Times

‘No evidence Russia meddled in US poll’

Election officials prep


MOSCOW, Feb 19, (Agencies): Russia’s government on Monday insisted there was no evidence that it meddled in the US elections, after Washington indicted 13 Russians for alleged covert efforts to sway voters.

“There are no indication­s that the Russian government could be involved in this,” President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalist­s.

It was the Kremlin’s first comment since the indictment­s were filed on Friday by a US special prosecutor as part of a federal government probe. The indictment­s allege that an associate of President Vladimir Putin led a Russia-based operation churning out social media content, using fake US identities, that included criticisms of Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton in the 2016 race.

US President Donald Trump on Sunday glossed over any Russian responsibi­lity and offered no indication of what his administra­tion would do about it. He wrote on Twitter that Russia had indeed succeeded in sowing discord in the US but denied that his campaign colluded with Russia, saying that this was what Moscow wanted people to believe.

“If it was the GOAL of Russia to create discord, disruption and chaos within the U.S. then, with all of the Committee Hearings, Investigat­ions and Party hatred, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams,” Trump tweeted.

“They are laughing their asses off in Moscow. Get smart America!” he added.

Meanwhile, ten months before the United States votes in its first major election since the 2016 presidenti­al contest, US state election officials huddled in Washington this weekend to swap strategies on dealing with an uninvited guest: Russia.

A pair of conference­s usually devoted to staid topics about election administra­tion were instead packed with sessions dedicated to fending off election cyber attacks from Russia or others, as federal authoritie­s tried to portray confidence while pleading with some states to take the threat more seriously.

“Everyone in this room understand­s that what we are facing from foreign adversarie­s, particular­ly Russia, is real,” Chris Krebs, a senior cybersecur­ity official at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), told an audience of secretarie­s of state, who in many states oversee elections. Russia, he added, is “using a range of tools against us.”


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