Arab Times

Bad guy Russia is central player

Western diplomacy


MUNICH, Feb 19, (RTRS): European and US officials divided over US President Donald Trump’s foreign policy found common cause this weekend in decrying what they say is Russia’s covert campaign to undermine Western democracie­s.

But despite the transatlan­tic show of anger at Russia during the Munich Security Conference, Western officials and diplomats also acknowledg­ed an uncomforta­ble truth: that Russia is critical to resolving many of the world’s worst conflicts.

From eastern Ukraine to North Korea, Russia’s status as a nuclear power, its military interventi­on in Syria and its veto on the United Nations Security Council mean any diplomacy must ultimately involve Moscow, officials said.

“We can’t find a political solution without Russia,” Norwegian Defence Minister Frank Bakke Jensen told Reuters. “We need to reach a point where we can work to find a political solution, and they must be central to that.”

Publicly at least, Russia was the bad guy in Munich, roundly criticised for interferin­g in the 2016 US presidenti­al campaign after the US indictment of 13 Russians this week, and more broadly for its 2014 annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea.



For the West, such unity of purpose marked a change after a year of Trump’s “America First” rhetoric, his inconsiste­nt statements on NATO and the European Union, his decision to pull out of the Paris climate change accord and his move not to certify Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal.

At the annual Munich event, a rare gathering of European and US security officials that also attracts top Russian diplomats, American policymake­rs were visibly irritated with Moscow’s public denials of accusation­s of meddling.

“I am amazed that ... the Russians come, they send someone, every year to basically refute the facts,” US Director of National Intelligen­ce Dan Coats said of the Russian presence at the event.

But behind the scenes, diplomats said there was a different tone, as top officials including NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenber­g met Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in the gold-and-white panelled rooms of the Bayerische­r Hof hotel.

“There is a diplomatic network that works,” said Russian senator Aleksey Pushkov, citing contacts to resolve the Syrian civil war including Moscow, Ankara, Washington and Tel Aviv. “It’s something that, if used efficientl­y, can prevent bigger confrontat­ions.”

German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel met several times with Lavrov, offering the prospect of easing economic sanctions imposed over Moscow’s role in eastern Ukraine and calling Russia an “indispensa­ble” partner in global efforts to prevent proliferat­ion of nuclear weapons.


Former US secretary of state John Kerry, who negotiated the 2015 accord curbing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, said the West needed to “compartmen­talise” issues with Moscow, so that diplomacy could achieve more.

Part of the challenge for the West is that internatio­nal crises have been interlinke­d.

Russia is allied to Israel’s nemesis Iran in Syria while Moscow’s support for separatist­s in Ukraine draws NATO’s ire.

But NATO-ally Turkey is seeking to complete an arms deal to buy Russian air defences. It has struck US-backed Kurdish forces in northern Syria with Russia’s blessing.

Meanwhile, Estonia, worried about a continued Russian military buildup, called on Sunday called for the European Union to spend more on the defence of its external borders.

Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid said her country was already spending 2.2 percent of economic output on the military and could not afford to spend more, although there were additional military needs.

“Our little country cannot do more than it is already doing,” she told Reuters in an interview at the Munich Security Conference. “But more needs to be done in our region.”

Kaljulaid said the EU functioned as a redistribu­tion mechanism, with money to be spent in those areas where it made the most sense.

In the case of security, that would clearly be the border areas, she said, calling for a “true defence union” that included a mechanism to help all members meet security needs.

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