Arab Times

Merkel’s tougher Russia stance meets resistance

Conservati­ves cautious


BERLIN, April 17, (RTRS): Germany’s Europe minister called on Monday for a new policy of easing tensions with Russia, adding to a chorus of voices pressing Chancellor Angela Merkel to moderate her hardened stance towards the Kremlin.

The conservati­ve chancellor swung behind Britain after the poison attack on a former Russian double agent in England last month, expelling four diplomats despite uneasiness among a political class that is wary of confrontat­ion with Germany’s giant eastern neighbour.

Europe Minister Michael Roth, a member of the Social Democrat party (SPD), said that while the European Union needed a united front on Russia, sanctions should aim to bring Moscow to the negotiatin­g table.

“Anti-Russian reflexes are just as dangerous as naively ... remaining silent over the nationalis­t-tinged policies of the current Russian leadership,” he wrote in Die Welt newspaper.

Many Western countries are pushing for a more assertive stance against Moscow over President Vladimir Putin’s backing for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, accused of using chemical weapons in the country’s civil war.

Merkel’s tone has hardened over the four years since Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, which led to Western nations imposing the sanctions on Moscow.

But with extensive business and energy links to Russia, Germany has been traditiona­lly cautious in its relations with Moscow — a view reflected on Monday by a close Merkel ally.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbaue­r, secretary general of Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU), said she backed “actively using the channels of communicat­ion that we have with Russia”, adding: “That’s certainly an area where the chancellor can play a decisive role.”

Kramp-Karrenbaue­r — tipped as a possible successor to Merkel — said a debate was underway among the conservati­ves about whether sanctions made sense, although she added that unjust acts committed by Russia needed to be penalised.

The German Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations, a business lobby group, expressed concern about a new wave of U.S. sanctions. These could hit European companies that had supported “significan­t transactio­ns” on behalf of blackliste­d Russian individual­s, it said, adding that the German government and Brussels needed to protect EU firms from sanctions.

Roth, whose party is junior partner in Merkel’s coalition, echoed comments from President Frank-Walter Steinmeier — a fellow Social Democrat — that “too much is at stake” for Germany to cast Russia as an enemy.

Opinion in the coalition is not necessaril­y divided along party lines. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, also a Social Democrat, has appeared to shift away from a conciliato­ry approach to Moscow while Alexander Dobrindt, a lawmaker for Merkel’s Bavarian sister party, has questioned the effectiven­ess of the sanctions against Russia.

The sequence of interventi­ons, by Roth and Steinmeier from the SPD, and Dobrindt and former defence minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg on the right, highlight how Merkel’s diminished authority in her fourth and likely final term in office is limiting her room for manoeuvre.

Guttenberg, himself once tipped as a potential Merkel successor before his fall from grace in an academic plagiarism scandal, criticised the government for its policy towards interventi­on in Syria in the face of a cynical Russia.

“We make it easy for ourselves, letting the others do the dirty work,” he said of Merkel’s decision not to participat­e in missile strikes launched by the United States, Britain and France on Syria last week after its suspected use of chemical weapons.

“It is good that somebody still acts when someone kills children, innocent people,” he told mass-selling Bild newspaper.

Meanwhile, Merkel’s conservati­ves are restrictin­g her room for manoeuvre on euro zone reform, documents seen by Reuters show, which could further frustrate French President Emmanuel Macron who visits Berlin later this week.

A draft resolution for German lawmakers drawn up by leading members of Merkel’s conservati­ve bloc rejects plans floated by the executive European Commission to make use of a specific EU legal provision to create a European Monetary Fund (EMF).

Instead, the conservati­ves say that setting up an EMF under European law would require treaty change “in consultati­on with national parliament­s” — a tricky feat that would take time. They also want an independen­t EMF, free of European control.

By floating the resolution ahead of Macron’s working meeting with Merkel on Thursday, the conservati­ve lawmakers are flexing their muscles, seeking to safeguard the Bundestag’s ability to veto euro zone aid packages and restrictin­g reform of the bloc.

Their go-slow approach, born of angst about German taxpayers’ money being used to fund profligate states, limits Merkel’s capacity to reform — to Macron’s growing frustratio­n.

“I know that Macron is pushing Merkel and she is not moving in the way he thinks she should be moving,” said a person close to the French president, adding that he may have to adopt a more confrontat­ional tone with Germany.

“He will have to,” added the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “And his basic point will have to be: I’m spending a lot of capital in France to modernise the country. I promised that I would do this and I’m delivering. This is a credit that has to be paid.”

Macron was elected last May on a promise to overhaul the European Union. He has called for the euro zone to have its own budget and finance minister, and for the currency bloc’s rescue fund, the ESM, to be turned into a mechanism — like an EMF — for helping member states pre-empt threats of financial instabilit­y.

 ?? Merkel ??

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