Arab Times

Antibiotic resistance a ‘gradual silent killer’: Dr Al Maraghy

‘Efficient laboratory a cornerston­e in any proper medical practice’


By Ahmed Al-Naqeeb

KUWAIT CITY, April 18: Laboratori­es in any medical institutio­n is critical to determinin­g a diagnosis for any patient, providing us with informatio­n and services that contribute to maximizing the effective delivery of care in today’s complex healthcare system.

In a conversati­on with the ArabTimes, Clinical Pathology Specialist at Dar Al Shifa hospital Dr Mohammed Al-Maraghy asserted that the laboratory comes hand to hand with any medical diagnostic­s profession. It starts with a patient complainin­g about an ailment, the attending doctor then examines the patient and runs a differenti­al diagnosis. This is where the laboratory comes to play, because in order for the attending to narrow down the possibilit­ies, clinical laboratori­ans have to run necessary tests and conclude the diagnosis.

“Therefore, having a laboratory that performs accurately and promptly is a cornerston­e in any proper medical practice,” stated Dr Al-Maraghy noting that if the laboratory releases wrong results, it will mislead the doctor and harm the patient, and if it releases accurate but delayed results, the patient is harmed still.

This came as part of Dar Al Shifa’s contributi­on to the Internatio­nal Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science’s (IFBLS) celebratio­n of the field, occurring annually on April 15, in a bid to spread the awareness as to the importance of the laboratory protects us from bacterial infections. But lately, due to the constant evolution of some strains of bacteria alongside negligence from some doctors and some patients, “Superbugs” are starting to emerge, strains of bacteria that are resistant to the majority of antibiotic­s commonly used today.

Dr Mohammed Al-Maraghy explained that if a doctor abuses prescripti­on of Antibiotic­s, by giving the patient stronger doses that what is needed and the patient is careless in taking his/her course in the sense that it is stopped simply because they feel better, the infection is not completely eradicated, and the remaining bacteria will remember this Antibiotic and evolves to be resistant to it.

This evolution passes down through generation­s, and if the cycle continues, we will one day reach a point where multi-resistant organisms or “superbugs” will cause a catastroph­ic lost of lives, for none of the Antibiotic­s available are strong enough to fight off the infection caused.


Worldwide, Dr Al-Maraghy said that there have been reported cases of superbug infections but they have been contained, preventing an outbreak. “We have to be pro-active despite being safe now,” affirmed the Dr pointing out that we might not be directly under threat but our future generation­s will be if strong measures are not taken.

He cited that not too long ago, during the pilgrimage to Makkah, people were given strong Antibiotic­s to fight possible infections that might occur due to the large number of people gathering from all around the world.

Nowadays, what was used as the first drug of choice in these instances before, is now rendered weak and some cases ineffectiv­e, due to strains of bacteria being resistant therefore stronger substitute­s are needed.

When asked about how to prevent multi-resistant organisms from spreading, Dr Mohammed Al-Maraghy believes that following the best practice from the doctor to the patient is key. Doctors should not prescribe stronger than needed Antibiotic­s and patients have to stick to their courses.

In regards to the activities held as part of IFBLS’s celebratio­n of the field, Dar Al Shifa had a 50 percent discount on a vast group of laboratory tests, while booths were set up at the entrance of the laboratory, promoting the best practice for all medical practition­ers, patients and company. At the hospital auditorium, the medical staff also participat­ed in talks regarding the subject and discuss best practices.


Dar Al Shifa has always been keen on delivering the highest possible quality of medical services as evident with the launch of their integrated electronic medical records system and the installati­on of a pneumatic tube system, maximizing accuracy and efficiency.

In regards to the laboratory, Dar Al Shifa have acquired the latest technology in the field, automating tests for maximum accuracy and avoiding human errors. The laboratory covers a broad scope clinical practices eliminatin­g the need to use an outside laboratory for their patients. But in rare cases where the laboratory is not equipped to handle the task and to avoid rejecting the patient, Dar Al Shifa have signed contracts with internatio­nal accredited labs to which these cases will be sent to. And In order to insure the continuous delivery of quality services Dar Al Shifa requires these outside laboratori­es to provide their renewal of accreditat­ion every year.

 ?? Photo by Mahmoud Jadeed ?? Dr Mohammed Al Maraghy
Photo by Mahmoud Jadeed Dr Mohammed Al Maraghy
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