Arab Times

Vote on Haspel on Wednesday:



The US Senate Intelligen­ce Committee will vote on Wednesday morning on President Donald Trump’s nominee to be the new director of the CIA, Gina Haspel, a committee aide said on Monday.

The vote will take place behind closed doors, as is customary for the intelligen­ce panel.

Haspel was grilled by lawmakers at her confirmati­on hearing last week over her role in the agency’s past harsh interrogat­ion system, pledging she would never restart the program or follow any morally objectiona­ble order from Trump.

The nominee, who would be the first woman director of the Central Intelligen­ce Agency, is expected to be approved by the committee and confirmed by the full Senate, now that at least two Democrats — Senators Joe Manchin and Joe Donnelly — have said they would join Republican­s in supporting her.

Although Republican­s John McCain and Rand Paul have announced opposition to Haspel, Trump’s fellow Republican­s hold a 51-49-seat majority in the 100-member Senate and VicePresid­ent Mike Pence could vote to break a tie. (RTRS)

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