Arab Times

Justice move on health has risks for GOP

‘Pre-existing conditions an issue that people understand’


WASHINGTON, June 9, (AP): The Trump administra­tion’s decision to stop defending in court the Obama health law’s popular protection­s for consumers with pre-existing conditions could prove risky for Republican­s in the midterm elections — and nudge premiums even higher.

The Justice Department said in a court filing late Thursday that it will no longer defend key parts of the Affordable Care Act, beginning with the unpopular requiremen­t that people carry health insurance, but also including widely-supported provisions that guarantee access for people with medical problems and limit what insurers can charge older, sicker adults.

Friday, the insurance industry warned in stark terms of “harm that would come to millions of Americans” if such protection­s are struck down, causing premiums “to go even higher for older Americans and sicker patients.”

Weighing in on a Texas challenge to the health law, the Justice Department argued that legally and practicall­y the popular consumer protection­s cannot be separated from the unpopular insurance mandate, which Congress has repealed, effective next year.

That argument is likely to be lost on consumers, said Robert Blendon, a polling expert at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health — particular­ly in the heat of an election that will determine control of Congress.

“The pre-existing condition thing is what the ads will be run on,” said Blendon. “Pre-existing conditions have gotten to be an issue that people walking on the streets understand ... it’s very emotional.”

Some Democratic politician­s didn’t waste much time.

“Democrats will not allow Republican­s to get away with quietly trying to strip away pre-existing conditions protection­s for millions of Americans through a legal backdoor,” said Rep. Frank Pallone, D-N.J., a spokesman for his party on health care.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer of New York urged President Donald Trump to reverse the decision.

Administra­tion officials at the department­s of Health and Human Services and Treasury would not comment, instead pointing to the Justice Department filing, which said other parts of the health law would continue to stand, including its Medicaid expansion covering about 12 million lowincome people. HHS and Treasury administer the health law’s coverage and subsidies.

Loosening the health law’s rules on pre-existing conditions and on charging more to older adults is a key goal for the Trump administra­tion. Partly that’s because those consumer protection­s also raise premiums across the board, as the cost of covering the sick is spread among all customers, including healthier people who previously benefited from lower rates.

Indeed, people who pay the full cost of their individual health plans and aren’t eligible for subsidies under the health law have been clamoring for relief from several years of double-digit premium increases.

Economist Gail Wilensky, who’s advised Republican­s, said she’s not sure about the timing of the administra­tion’s action.

“You can definitely assume Democrats will use it to whip up their side,” said Wilensky, administra­tor of Medicare under former President George H.W. Bush. “For the people not affected by the ACA, or not particular­ly supportive, I don’t know that it will matter much.”

The issues in the court case are unlikely to be resolved quickly, but some experts said the added uncertaint­y could prompt insurers to seek higher premiums in 2019 for health plans sold to individual­s.

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