Arab Times

Ugandan MP shot


four US service members were killed in a militant ambush in the west African nation of Niger in October.

President Donald Trump paid tribute on Twitter Friday night, offering “thoughts and prayers” to the families of the soldier who was killed and those who were wounded. “They are truly all HEROES,” he tweeted.

US Africa Command said in a statement that US troops with Somali and Kenyan forces came under mortar and small-arms fire in Jubaland, Somalia, at around 2.45 pm local time. (AP)

6 killed in Cameroon:

Six villagers were killed overnight in northern Cameroon in an attack attributed to Nigeria’s Boko Haram jihadist group, a local leader said Friday.

The attack occurred in the village of Mangave Foya, said Abdoulaye Yerima Bakari, the head of the Dogba administra­tive region.

“They attacked the home of a district chief, whom they shot, as well as two other people” who were in the building, he said.

When the neighbours came out to investigat­e the gunfire, the assailants opened fire, killing three of them, he said.

A local self-defence group and the security forces, joined by some villagers, gave chase, killing five attackers and arresting three others, he added. (AFP)


Ibrahim Abiriga, a leading politician from Uganda’s ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party, was shot dead Friday along with his bodyguard, police said.

Abiriga, known for wearing all-yellow suits and driving around in a yellow VW Beetle — the colour of President Yoweri Museveni’s NRM party — was “assassinat­ed this evening near his home in Kawanda,” north of the capital, Kampala, by “unknown assailants,” police chief Okoth Ochola tweeted.

Abiriga, 62, was MP for the Arua municipali­ty in the north west of the country. He was a also a key supporter of a reform bill adopted last December to scrap the presidenti­al age limit of 75 years. (AFP)

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