Arab Times

Trump, Macron cool down the buddy act

US, Canada leaders swap jokes


LA MALBAIE, Quebec, June 9, (RTRS): It was only six weeks ago when US President Donald Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron grinned, laughed, and hugged their way through a state visit in Washington, showing all the signs of two leaders with a genuine friendship.

But at the G7 summit in Canada, the physical bonhomie between the two leaders was pared back, signaling tensions that boiled over publicly just before the meeting.

Unable to persuade Trump to consider ways to stay in the Iran nuclear deal, and stung by US tariffs on European steel and aluminum, Macron appeared to be recalibrat­ing his approach to Trump.

“I think Macron has had some very hard lessons in terms of how far flattery can get you,” said Julie Smith, a former national security aide in the Obama administra­tion.

Trump’s escalation of tensions with allies was “beyond shortsight­ed,” said Heather Conley, a former US State Department official in the George W. Bush administra­tion.

“When we’re at war with our allies, if we need something, we don’t have them to turn to,” said Conley, now with the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies in Washington. “I think this is the part that the White House is underappre­ciating.”

Leading up to the G7 summit, Macron tweeted his displeasur­e with Trump over the tariffs, and Trump tweeted back, complainin­g about European trade measures.

But as cameras rolled, they downplayed the divisions. “We have little tests every once in a while when it comes to trade,” Trump said, expressing optimism without details that “something is going to happen” on that front.

The leaders were supposed to meet in the morning. But Trump was more than an hour delayed in leaving Washington, which meant the meeting had to be pushed back for the end of the day.

Trump pulled Macron aside for a quick chat on their way into the summit and Macron posted the pleasantri­es on Twitter.

When the two leaders finally met late in the day, Macron was first to reach out to shake Trump’s hand and the last to let go, gripping it so tight his fingers left white marks - a reprise of the long, exaggerate­d handshake that marked the first meeting between the two leaders last year.

Honor The two leaders bonded after Macron invited Trump to Paris for the Bastille Day military parade. Trump returned the honor, inviting Macron for a state visit in April.

“It looked like he had cracked the code,” said Smith, now with the Center for a New American Security in Washington.

But the friendship failed to keep Trump from leaving the Iran nuclear deal, a decision that will have major implicatio­ns for French businesses wary of triggering US sanctions on business with Tehran.

Nor did it keep Trump from slapping stiff tariffs on imports on European steel and aluminum, a decision taken last week.

Macron occasional­ly flashed a tight grin as Trump spoke, and winked once, describing their talks as “very direct and open.”

“I want to say sometimes we disagree, but we share I’d say common concerns and common values and we share the willingnes­s to deliver results together,” Macron said.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were all jokes and smiles for the media as they met at the Group of Seven leaders summit in Quebec on Friday, but neither budged on the serious trade dispute between them.

In the brief photo opportunit­y that started their bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the fractious G7 summit, Trump followed Trudeau’s diplomatic introducti­on by joking that Trudeau had backed down on retaliator­y tariffs.

“Justin has agreed to cut all tariffs, all trade barriers between Canada and the United States, so I’m very happy,” Trump told reporters.

Trudeau was quick with his riposte: “So I’d say NAFTA is in good shape.”

Canada last week announced retaliator­y tariffs on C$16.6 billion ($12.8 billion) worth of US exports and said it will challenge US steel and aluminum tariffs under the North American Free Trade Agreement and the World Trade Organizati­on.

The tit-for-tat dispute over US metals tariffs followed more than a year of tense and so far unsuccessf­ul negotiatio­ns to renew NAFTA and a long and failed charm offensive by Trudeau and top Canadian officials to avoid Trump’s trade ire.

Trump repeatedly attacked Canada on Twitter in the days leading up to the two-day summit in La Malbaie, Quebec with Trudeau and the leaders of Germany, France, Britain, Japan and Italy.

“Prime Minister Trudeau is being so indignant, bringing up the relationsh­ip that the US and Canada had over the many years and all sorts of other things ... but he doesn’t bring up the fact that they charge up to 300 percent on dairy -- hurting our Farmers, killing our Agricultur­e!” Trump tweeted Thursday.

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