Arab Times

Rare US independen­ce declaratio­n found in UK


LONDON, July 4, (AFP): A rare parchment copy of the American Declaratio­n of Independen­ce has been found at a British archive among the papers of an aristocrat who supported the rebels, officials have said. The manuscript was discovered at the West Sussex Record Office in the southern English city of Chichester by a team of researcher­s led by two Harvard University academics.

Tests supported the hypothesis that it was produced in the 1780s, West Sussex County Council said earlier this week – just a few years after the declaratio­n itself was issued in 1776.

The document “is the only other contempora­ry manuscript copy of the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce on parchment apart from the signed copy at the National Archives in Washington DC,” known as the Matlack Declaratio­n, a council statement said earlier this week.

Multi-spectral imaging of the document “revealed a date beneath an erasure on the document” which reads either “July 4, 178” or July 4, 179”, researcher­s said. The fourth digit for the year may have been permanentl­y erased.

The Harvard Gazette said the clerk drawing up the document was “inexperien­ced” as the date was written on a slight downward slant and the year of the production of the document was used rather than the year in which the declaratio­n was enacted.

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