Arab Times

Europe could suffer collateral damage

US-China trade war impact


FRANKFURT, Germany, July 4, (AP): European businesses are unsettled as they watch the US and China collide over trade. And for good reason: the nascent global trade war presents the biggest threat to the economic upswing that has helped the region get past its financial crisis.

In theory, some European companies could benefit, jumping into market niches if Chinese businesses are kept out of the US market. But that would only be a few companies or sectors.

When your entire economy is heavily dependent on trade, an overall slowdown in global commerce caused by tit-for-tat import taxes provokes fear and undermines confidence.

And that’s just what’s happening in Europe. By one measure, business confidence has fallen in six of the past seven months in Germany, where exports are almost half of annual economic output.

“It’s worth all our efforts to defuse this conflict, so it doesn’t become a war,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday.

The US is due to put tariffs on $34 billion worth of Chinese goods on Friday. The Chinese will respond with tariffs on an equivalent value of US products such as soybeans, seafood and crude oil.

Amid all this, Europe has its own trade dispute with the US. After the US put tariffs on steel and aluminum from many allies, including the European Union, the 28-country bloc responded with import taxes on some $3.25 billion of US goods. The Trump administra­tion is also studying the option of putting tariffs on cars, which would significan­tly escalate the confrontat­ion.

The head of the European Union’s executive commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, will head to Washington in late July to try to personally persuade Trump against further measures targeting Europe.

The disputes over trade threaten to spoil the good times for Europe’s economy.

Growth last year was the strongest in a decade, since before the global financial crisis. While that has eased in recent quarters the economy has still done well enough to reduce create jobs. The number of unemployed people fell by 125,000 in May, leaving unemployme­nt in the 19 countries that use the euro at 8.4 percent, the lowest since 2008. Joblessnes­s is still high in some places, like Greece and Spain, but the overall rate is down from a high of 12.1 percent in 2013.


“Trade tensions stoked by US President Donald Trump are clouding the economic outlook in Europe,” wrote analysts at Berenberg bank in London. They rated the risk ahead of troubles from Italy’s heavy debt load or tighter credit conditions by central banks like the US Federal Reserve.

Many European companies would suffer because they both produce and sell goods in the US and China, the world’s biggest economies.

For example, tariffs that China is expected to impose Friday on US-made autos would hit German carmakers Daimler and BMW since they both make vehicles in the United States and export them to China.

Daimler has already lowered its outlook for profits, citing higher than expected costs from the new tariffs. BMW warned in a letter to Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross on Friday that tariffs would make it harder for BMW to sell vehicles built at its US factory in Spartanbur­g, South Carolina in China, “potentiall­y leading to a strongly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States.”

Last year, BMW exported 272,000 vehicles from the Spartanbur­g plant, more than half its total production. Of those, 81,000 — worth $2.37 billion — went to China. BMW says its exports reduced the US trade deficit by around $1 billion.

By themselves, the tariffs that take effect Friday won’t immediatel­y have a dramatic impact on global trade. The fear is that retaliatio­n will spiral, hitting the total amount of global commerce.

Even if the overall effect is to harm growth, there could be benefits for some European companies and sectors. Economists Alicia Garcia Herrero and Jianwei Xu at the French bank Natixis say that European makers of cars, aircraft, chemicals, computer chips and factory machinery could in theory snare market gains by substituti­ng for Chinese or American products in the two markets. But that’s only if Europe’s own trade dispute with the US does not escalate — a big if.

Europe is waiting to see whether the Trump administra­tion will go ahead separately with tariffs on auto imports. European companies like BMW, Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen’s Porsche and Audi divisions, and Fiat Chrysler send $46.6 billion worth of vehicles every year to the US. Some 13.3 million people, or 6.1 percent of the employed population of the EU, work in the automotive sector, according to the European Automobile Manufactur­ers Associatio­n.

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