Arab Times

Chinese ‘policymake­rs’ seen comfortabl­e with weaker yuan

Lessons learned from 2015


BEIJING, July 4, (RTRS): China is comfortabl­e with a weakening yuan, intervenin­g only to prevent any rapid and destabilis­ing declines or to restore market confidence, as the economy loses momentum and faces further risks from a heated trade dispute with the United States, policy insiders said.

On Tuesday, as stocks sank and the yuan fell through a key psychologi­cal level of 6.7 on the dollar, traders said state-owned banks, which sometimes act on behalf of the central bank, made efforts to prop up the currency.

All the same, authoritie­s are confident they won’t have to make heavy use of the official foreign exchange reserves to defend the yuan like in 2015 when stocks and the currency went into a tail spin as capital outflows accelerate­d, three sources who are familiar with policymake­rs’ thinking told Reuters before the latest interventi­on.

After the lessons of 2015, Beijing considers it has the policies in place to prevent any destabilis­ing sell-off in the yuan, the sources said.

While the interventi­on underscore­d Beijing’s desire to inject confidence in markets that have been roiled by the trade war fears, the sources say policymake­rs would tolerate a weaker yuan to help cushion a slowing economy and take some of the sting out of Washington’s proposed tariffs on its exports to the United States.


“Policymake­rs believe some yuan depreciati­on is okay, but they don’t want to see it falling below 6.9. Appropriat­e currency depreciati­on is needed given that the economy faces downward pressure,” one policy insider said.

A second policy source echoed those views: “there is no big problem with the yuan depreciati­on. It could be beneficial as the economy is slowing. We are able to control capital outflows. There is no need for aggressive interventi­on.”

The PBOC has yet to respond to Reuters’ request for comment.

The yuan saw its worst month on record in June, falling about 3.3 percent against the dollar, drawing comparison­s with the 2015 episode of sharp yuan depreciati­on which forced the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) to spend more than $800 billion to slow it down. The yuan bounced sharply on Wednesday, a day after the central bank soothed nervous markets.

According to the policy insiders, it is unlikely China will be forced into large-scale interventi­on. Worries of destabilis­ing outflows are being partly offset by the capital controls China has introduced to arrest the previous slide in the yuan and restore confidence in its financial assets.

The sources are involved in internal policy discussion­s but are not part of the final decision-making process. They spoke on condition on anonymity.

Besides the capital outflow risks, a sharp weakening in the yuan may pose financing problems for companies exposed to dollardeno­minated debt.

Beijing is also expected to make use of other tools it has finessed since 2015, such as the “countercyc­lical factor” it introduced in May last year to the formula it uses to determine the mid-point reference rate for the yuan’s exchange rate against the dollar each day. That factor was designed to curb speculatio­n and volatility in the yuan.


“The authoritie­s have become more experience­d in managing the currency,” said a third source who advises the government. He expects some form of interventi­on in the 6.7-6.8 area.

“Currently, the pressure is not as big as in 2015 — if the depreciati­on trend continues like this, they could take some measures, including reviving the counter-cyclical factor, rather than heavy spending of foreign exchange reserves.”

Also, a years-long government­led crackdown on financial risks has meant China is better equipped to handle market ructions than in 2015 when the turmoil in stocks and the yuan currency was partly blamed on bungled rescue attempts by the authoritie­s.

Most measures taken since late 2015 to tighten controls on money moving out of the country, including closer scrutiny of outbound investment­s, large overseas money transfers and individual foreign exchange purchases remain in place.

Earlier this year, China eased the tap a bit by granting qualified domestic financial institutio­ns fresh quotas to buy overseas stocks and bonds, but the yuan depreciati­on has not come on the back of heavy outflows like two years ago.

“They can reintroduc­e the counter-cyclical factor, they can tighten capital controls, in the end they can even use a small amount of their reserves — but this time is different because there is already a strict regulation on capital outflows,” said Mahamoud Islam, Hong Kong-based senior APAC economist at Euler Hermes.

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