Arab Times

‘No entry ban on UK lawyers’

Teachers seek extension


KUWAIT CITY, July 7: Ministry of Interior has refuted claims that some British lawyers have been prevented from entering Kuwait over the past two days, stressing there is no iota of truth in the allegation.

General Department of Public Relations and Security Media issued a statement to clarify the rumor peddled via social media saying the Ministry of Interior prevented some British lawyers from entering Kuwait recently. It affirmed the rumor is contrary to reality on the ground and that whosoever applied for entry visas were granted the request.

The ministry urged all visitors to abide by the type of entry visa granted them without violating regulation­s, assuring that Kuwait is always ready to welcome visitors and tourists provided that they do not violate the purpose of visit.

Extension sought:

Syrian teachers discharged from duty after reaching the retirement age have submitted a request to the Minister of Education and Higher Education Dr Hamed Al-Azmi asking for extension of their contracts for one more year, reports Al-Anba daily.

The letter sent to the minister cited the current security situation in Syria due to the ongoing civil war. They explained that some of them have lost their homes and property while others live in areas that are still under terrorist attacks.

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