Arab Times

Yemen clashes kill 30 civilians


SANAA, Yemen, July 17, (AP): Heavy fighting over the last two weeks along Yemen’s western coast between progovernm­ent forces, backed by a Saudi-led coalition, and Shiite rebels has killed at least 30 civilians, including women and children, officials and witnesses said Tuesday.

Government forces have been trying to seize rebel-held areas along the western coast, including the port city of Hodeida, while the Saudi-led coalition has been targeting the rebels, known as Houthis, with airstrikes.

The fighting has been concentrat­ed over the past two weeks in al-Tuhyta district, south of Hodeida, a vital lifeline for Yemen’s aid-dependent population. The coalition launched an offensive to retake the city in June.

Along with over 30 killed, fighting and airstrikes — as well as land mines — have wounded 57 civilians since the beginning of July, health and security officials said.

Last Tuesday, an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition killed the eight-member family of

Abdallah Kassem. They were driving south of al-Tuhyta when the strike hit their car, the officials said.

Separately, a 65-year woman who made her living selling flowers was killed when she stepped on a land mine, witnesses said.

The Houthis have laid land mines south of al-Tuhyta and along a road that links it with Zabid district, the officials said.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to reporters. Witnesses spoke anonymousl­y for fear of reprisals.

The Houthis seized control of the capital, Sanaa, in September 2014, and later pushed south toward the port city of Aden.

The Saudi-led coalition entered the conflict in March 2015, aiming to restore the UN-backed government to power. The coalition has faced criticism for a campaign of airstrikes that has killed civilians and destroyed hospitals and markets.

The Houthis, along with laying deadly land mines, have also targeted religious minorities and imprisoned opponents.

Impoverish­ed Yemen has been devastated and pushed to the brink of famine by the stalemated three-year civil war that has left around two-thirds of its population of 27 million relying on aid, and over 8 million at risk of starving.

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