Arab Times

Obama rebukes Trump in his Mandela address on ‘values’

‘Strange & uncertain times’


JOHANNESBU­RG, July 17, (Agencies): Former US president Barack Obama on Tuesday made his highestpro­file speech since leaving office, urging people around the world to respect human rights and other values under threat in an address marking the 100th anniversar­y of anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela’s birth.

While not directly mentioning his successor, President Donald Trump, Obama’s speech in South Africa countered many of Trump’s policies, rallying people to keep alive the ideas that Mandela worked for including democracy, diversity and good education for all. Obama opened by describing today’s times as “strange and uncertain,” adding that “each day’s news cycle is bringing more head-spinning and disturbing headlines.”

These days “we see much of the world threatenin­g to return to a more dangerous, more brutal, way of doing business,” Obama said.

His words were met with cheers by a crowd of about 14,000 people gathered at a cricket stadium in Johannesbu­rg for the speech, which was streamed online. “Just by standing on the stage honoring Nelson Mandela, Obama is delivering an eloquent rebuke to Trump,” said John Stremlau, professor of internatio­nal relations at Witwatersr­and University in Johannesbu­rg, who called the timing auspicious as the commitment­s that defined Mandela’s life are “under assault” in the US and elsewhere.

“Yesterday we had Trump and Putin standing together, now we are seeing the opposing team: Obama and Mandela.” This is Obama’s first visit to Africa since leaving office in early 2017. He stopped earlier this week in Kenya, where he visited the rural birthplace of his late father.

Obama’s speech highlighte­d how


the Nobel Peace Prize winner, who was imprisoned for 27 years, kept up his campaign against what appeared to be insurmount­able odds to end apartheid, South Africa’s harsh system of white minority rule.

Mandela, who was released from prison in 1990 and became South Africa’s first black president four years later, died in 2013, leaving a powerful legacy of reconcilia­tion and diversity along with a resistance to inequality, economic and otherwise.

Obama has shied away from public comment on Trump, whose administra­tion has reversed or attacked notable achievemen­ts of his predecesso­r. The US under Trump has withdrawn from the 2015 Paris climate agreement and the Iran nuclear deal while trying to undercut the Affordable Care Act or “Obamacare.”

Instead of commenting on politics, Obama’s speech was drawing on broader themes and his admiration for Mandela, whom America’s first black president saw as a mentor.

When Obama was a US senator he had his picture taken with Mandela. After Obama became president he sent a copy of the photo to Mandela, who kept it in his office. Obama also made a point of visiting Mandela’s prison cell and gave a moving eulogy at Mandela’s memorial service in 2013, saying the South African leader’s life had inspired him.


kills 49 in Nigeria:

Flooding caused by torrential rains on Nigeria’s border with Niger has left 49 people dead and another 20 missing, the emergency services said on Tuesday.

Five villages in Jibia district were affected after a river burst its banks after hours of heavy rains overnight Sunday, Aminu Waziri, the head of the Katsina state emergency management agency, told AFP.

“We have recovered 49 dead bodies from the five villages and we are still searching for 20 others,” he added. Twenty-four of the victims were washed away by to Mada Rumfa and Kantumi villages in neighbouri­ng Niger.

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