Arab Times


- By Jacqueline Bigar

Happy birthday for Wednesday, July 18,

2018: This year you have several strong desires, which sometimes might conflict with each other. Understand that they are all a part of you. You can be unusually emotional and caring, and you also have a very romantic side. If you are single, you easily could intrigue several people who would like to be yours. Do not commit unless you feel sure about someone. If you are attached, the two of you maintain the passion of new lovers. Romance is a high priority for you both. LIBRA could be envious of how passionate you can be.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult.

Capricorn -

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)

**** You could be overwhelme­d by the demands of a parent or supervisor. You are full of smiles, but below the grin you could be swallowing a substantia­l amount of anger. Do not be surprised if you suddenly blurt out a harsh comment or statement. Tonight: Till the wee hours.

Aquarius -

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)

***** You could be overly assertive or acting out in a somewhat hostile way. You might have kept some strong feelings to yourself. Just be careful not to be sarcastic or take out your anger on the wrong person. It would be best to have a calm conversati­on. Tonight: Look at the big picture.

Pisces -

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

** Be aware of your limits. You could be projecting quite differentl­y from how you normally do. You might need to talk to someone to express your anger, rather than misplace your feelings. A partner or associate points to a better way or direction. Tonight:

Make plans with a loved one.

Aries -

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

*** You could feel slightly out of sorts this morning. Communicat­ion might not flow as easily as you’d like, but you will get your message across, especially when dealing with a feisty friend. Worry less about what is going on around you. Tonight: Let others put together the plans.

Taurus -

(Apr 20 - May 20)

**** You will be very open, at least with those you deal with in some capacity in your daily life. You work well in a team setting. You will find that an older relative is on the war path and cannot be held back. Keep your distance from difficult people. Tonight: Do not lose your temper.

Gemini -

(May 21 - June 20)

***** Listen to news and informatio­n that comes forward. Your creativity bridges any gaps. This same ingenuity helps you bypass an obstacle or two. Let your sense of humor help others relax. Note what comes up spontaneou­sly, and go with the flow. Tonight: Be naughty and nice.

Cancer -

(June 21 - July 22)

*** Pressure builds in an odd way. You might have misunderst­ood what someone has said. Try to remain levelheade­d. Someone does not mean to challenge you, but inevitably does. You see how fast a loved one or associate comes to the rescue. Tonight: Do not push so hard.

Leo -

(July 23 - Aug 22)

***** Speak your mind, but also make sure you return all calls. There could be a surprise awaiting you. A friend or loved one is unusually assertive. You’ll be happy to see this person become bolder, as he or she usually seems so in control. Tonight: Get with the program.

Virgo -

(Aug 23 - Sept 22)

**** You might be overly concerned about your finances. You also could have a strong reaction to someone else’s request. Be on time, manage your work and decide if you have room to do what this person desires. Do not hold back. Tonight: Off to the gym to relieve some pressure.

Libra -

(Sept 23 - Oct 22)

**** Regardless of whether someone trips you up, you remain on solid ground and know which way you want to head. Be concerned if a loved one becomes angry or frustrated. Pull away from others if you feel as if there is going to be a problem. Tonight: Express your playfulnes­s.

Scorpio -

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

*** You have a strong sense of direction, and you know what you expect from others. The problem lies in the fact that a lot is going on behind the scenes. You cannot change what is. Keep your own counsel if you feel uncomforta­ble. Tonight: Be more spontaneou­s and adventurou­s.

Sagittariu­s -

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

**** Get through a project with focus. An informal get-together with friends could be the source of important informatio­n; you won’t want to miss it. Great ideas come out of this moment. Be careful not to push anyone in a certain direction. Tonight: Hang out with friends.

Born today: Business magnate Richard Branson (1950), actor Vin Diesel (1967), rapper M.I.A. (1975)

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