Arab Times

Billionair­es ‘fuel’ charter schools movement in US

Gates donates millions


SEATTLE, July 17, (AP): Dollar for dollar, the beleaguere­d movement to bring charter schools to Washington state has had no bigger champion than billionair­e Bill Gates. The Microsoft co-founder gave millions of dollars to see a charter school law approved despite multiple failed ballot referendum­s. And his private foundation not only helped create the Washington State Charter Schools Associatio­n, but has at times contribute­d what amounts to an entire year’s worth of revenues for the 5-yearold charter advocacy group.

All told, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given about $25 million to the charter group that is credited with keeping the charter schools open after the state struck down the law, and then lobbying legislator­s to revive the privately run, publicly funded schools.

It’s an extreme example of how billionair­es are influencin­g state education policy by giving money to state-level charter support organizati­ons to sustain, defend and expand the charter schools movement across the country.

Since 2006, philanthro­pists and their private foundation­s and charities have given almost half a billion dollars to those groups, according to an Associated Press analysis of tax filings and Foundation Center data. The review looked at 52 groups noted by a US Department of Education website as official charter school resources in the 44 states plus Washington, DC, that currently have a charter law, as well as the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools.


Most of the money has gone to the top 15 groups, which received $425 million from philanthro­py. The Walton Family Foundation, run by the heirs to the Walmart fortune, is the largest donor to the state charter advocates, giving $144 million to 27 groups.

“We ought to be paying more attention to who these organizati­ons are, and what kind of vision they have, and what drives them. A lot of these organizati­ons have extraordin­ary influence, and it’s often pretty quiet influence,” said Jon Valant, an education policy expert at Brookings.

Charters aren’t subject to the same rules or standards governing traditiona­l public schools but are embraced by Gates and other philanthro­pists who see them as investment­s in developing better and different ways to educate those who struggle in traditiona­l school systems, particular­ly children in poor, urban areas. Studies on academic success are mixed.


The charter support groups, as nonprofits, are typically forbidden from involvemen­t in political campaigns, but the same wealthy donors who sustain them in many cases directly channel support to pro-charter candidates through related political action committees or their own contributi­ons. In one indication of the philanthro­py’s success in asserting its priorities, Georgia’s lieutenant governor was recorded saying he was motivated to support school choice laws to curry the Walton foundation’s favor for his gubernator­ial campaign. The Walton foundation has denied any connection to the candidate.

Nationwide, about 5 percent of students attend charters. They have become a polarizing political issue amid criticism from some, notably teachers unions, that they drain resources from cash-starved schools and erode the neighborho­od schooling model that defines communitie­s.

The Walton foundation notes the groups it funds have resources that often pale in comparison to the war chests of teachers unions, the usual foes in their battles over state education policy.

“The philanthro­pic support is essential for a small group of schools” that represents disadvanta­ge families without their own political power, said Robin Lake, director of the Center on Reinventin­g Public Education, a University of Washington-affiliated think tank that has in the past been funded by the Gates foundation to support charter schools and traditiona­l school districts working together.

But John Rogers, an education policy expert and UCLA professor, said it’s a problem for democracy that billionair­es who back a certain model of education reform can go toe-to-toe with a critical mass of profession­al teachers.

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