Arab Times

Machado ‘no idea’ where to play next


WASHINGTON, July 17, (AFP): Manny Machado will represent the Baltimore Orioles in Tuesday’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game but has no idea what team he will be playing for when the season resumes Friday.

The 26-year-old starting shortstop for the American League in the annual showdown against the National League stars is the top available impact player with the trade deadline only two weeks away.

Machado has been the subject of trade rumors for weeks and with the Orioles at 28-69, second-worst in the major leagues and 30 games out of a playoff spot, he might be worth more in a trade deal to a title contender.

“The game is already hard enough,” Machado said Monday. “It doesn’t help when you don’t know where you are going to be tomorrow.”

The latest reports have Philadelph­ia, Milwaukee and the Los Angeles Dodgers atop the list of suitors, with the New York Yankees much discussed as well, although they are an AL East division rival of the Orioles.

“I have no idea. At this point, it doesn’t matter,” Machado said. “I can’t control it. Just get it over with already, go on and not answer these questions no more.

“My phone is ringing every day. I really don’t want to think about it Definitely 100 percent get these answers over with.”

Machado says he plans to remain at shortstop but admits whoever swings the trade deal with Baltimore could move him to third baseman if needed.

As to who is asking, Machado has left it to the Orioles management, saying they have a good relationsh­ip despite the awkward situation.

“Those are things management and the front office is in charge of,” Machado said. “I’ve asked they keep us in the loop.”

Machado said he has enjoyed his time with the Orioles, the club he reached the major leagues with in 2012, despite the team struggling for most of his seven seasons there.


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