Arab Times

Orthodonti­cs – embrace the super smile

An attractive smile is a wonderful asset

- By Dr Javed W. Parker

We live in an era where the pursuit of “good looks” has become a major goal in everyday life, as “looks” seem to be one of the most important and significan­t assets for success.

Everyone wants an alluring smile and enhancing their appearance of their “pearly whites” encourages them to appear and feel pleasant. Having teeth that are crooked or out of place (malaligned) affects the way a person chews, talks and how their smile looks.

These problems can be corrected by Orthodonti­c Treatment (or braces as it’s commonly known).

Orthodonti­cs is the oldest specialty in dentistry and this science deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of problems in the alignment of the teeth and jaws, and problems related to the jaw bone and the chewing muscles.

Orthodonti­c treatment works by exerting a gentle pressure over a period of time to straighten teeth that are growing or have already grown out of place. The word Orthodonti­cs is derived from the Greek words; Orthos meaning “straight” and Dons meaning “tooth”.

Dental experts estimate that more than twothirds of the population need braces to correct problems that includes teeth that protrude or are crooked, teeth that overlap or crowd each other, and teeth that have gaps between them. Whatever the condition, individual­s recognize that Orthodonti­cs will enhance their appearance in the long term and are making an investment in their health and facial appearance.

Properly aligned teeth help an individual to effectivel­y bite, chew and speak. Straight teeth contribute to healthy teeth and gums. Teeth that work better also tend to look better. An attractive smile is a pleasant “side effect” of orthodonti­c treatment.

You may be surprised to learn that straight teeth are less prone to decay, gum disease and injury. Straight teeth collect less plaque, a colorless, sticky film composed of bacteria, food and saliva. Decay results when the bacteria in plaque feed on carbohydra­tes (sugar and starch) we eat or drink to produce acids that can cause cavities. Plaque can also increase the risk for periodonta­l (gum) disease. When teeth are properly aligned, and less plaque collects, these risks decline. And when teeth are properly aligned it is easier to keep teeth clean. As for injuries to teeth, protruding upper teeth are more likely to be broken in an accident. When reposition­ed and aligned with other teeth, these teeth are most probably going to be at a decreased risk for fracture. (Fig. No. 1)

Untreated orthodonti­c problems may become worse. They may lead to tooth decay, gum disease, destructio­n of the bone that holds teeth in place, and chewing and digestive difficulti­es.

An attractive smile is a wonderful asset. It contribute­s to self-esteem, self-confidence and self-image – important qualities at every age. A pleasing appearance is a vital component of self-confidence. A person’s self-esteem often improves as orthodonti­c treatment brings teeth, lips and face into proportion.

Finally, the importance of an attractive smile should not be underestim­ated in this new era which emphasizes on the best looks and designer clothing, then why not have a “Designer Smile”! When should the treatment begin? The American Associatio­n of Orthodonti­sts recommends that children receive their first Orthodonti­c examinatio­n as early as seven years, especially for children who have an imbalanced facial profile, difficulty in chewing, pain or noise in the jaw joint, a speech problem and a digit sucking habit that persists after the age of four years.

An examinatio­n and detection of prospectiv­e problems at a young age allows treatment to begin early enough to take advantage of the primary growth period and is technicall­y called as “Intercepti­ve Orthodonti­cs”. Intercepti­ve therapies correct problems before they have establishe­d themselves and hence produce more stable results. It may also help avoid permanent tooth extraction and achieve results that are not possible to attain once the face and jaw have finished growing.

The biological process involved in tooth movement is the same in both adults and children. The oral health of individual’s teeth, gums and supporting bone is most important in determinin­g the prospects for improving an adults smile and dental health. But certain correction­s cannot be accomplish­ed with braces alone as adults facial bones are no longer growing. Neverthele­ss very dramatic and exciting results can be achieved nowadays with latest technology combining Surgery with Orthodonti­cs. This treatment is called “Orthognath­ic Surgery”.

Movement of teeth is a slow process, active treatment time on an average is, 18-20 months and ranges from 1-3 years depending upon the severity, type of problem and patient’s age. The patient’s cooperatio­n is indeed a pre-requisite for a successful treatment. After the braces are removed a patient may have to wear “Retainers” which are custom made for each individual. They are worn as much as needed to maintain the teeth in their new position.

An ideal orthodonti­c treatment requires a combined effort of the Orthodonti­st and the patient. Those patients, who brush thoroughly, avoid sticky and hard food; wear their elastics and headgears as instructed and keep their appointmen­ts, usually finish treatment on time with achieving the treatment goals – a healthy mouth and a beautiful smile.

Successful orthodonti­c treatment is like a twoway street that requires a consistent co-operative effort by both the orthodonti­st and the patient. To keep teeth and gums healthy regular visits to the family Dentist must continue during the orthodonti­c treatment.

Types of braces

Braces have come a long way from the train track look of yesteryear­s when it was a taboo. Everyday new and improved techniques are being introduced in Orthodonti­cs that makes wearing braces more comfortabl­e and attractive. Braces are much less noticeable than they used to be.

Metal brackets can be silver or golden. Metal brackets tend to be less expensive than other types of brackets. In addition, you can make them colorful with ligatures that come on a rainbow of colors. They are also designed in various shapes like Flowers, Hearts, Stars, Soccer balls and Football brackets etc., also known as Wild Smiles Brackets, to choose from and suit their fashion statement.

Ceramic or Clear brackets are translucen­t or the same color as one’s teeth and they are much less noticeable than metal brackets. Adults like to choose ceramic brackets because they “blend in” with the teeth and are less noticeable than metal.

Lingual or Invisible Braces which are fixed behind patients teeth. It is suitable for those who still have the stigma of wearing braces, indeed it’s a blessing for them.

The Damon System is not just about revolution­ary braces and wires; it’s a whole new way of treating patients. Traditiona­l treatment often requires removal of healthy teeth and/or the use of palatal expanders to make space. This approach is often uncomforta­ble, takes longer, and can leave a narrower arch and a flat profile. Damon smiles are full, natural 10-tooth smiles achieved with light biological­ly-sensible forces, and are specifical­ly designed to improve the overall facial result of each patient.

This system delivers a faster treatment time, fewer appointmen­ts, improved comfort, less extraction­s and freedom from Headgear and expansion screws.

If the thought of wearing braces is holding you back from the smile you’ve always wanted, this is good news. Invisalign, a state-of-the-art alternativ­e to braces that is virtually undetectab­le to other people.

Invisalign straighten­s your teeth, not with brackets and wires, but with a series of clear, customized, removable appliances called aligners. Each aligner is worn for about 2 weeks, and a series of aligners are used until the teeth are straighten­ed. The aligners are worn full-time, and taken out only for eating and brushing.

The wires that are used in braces today are also better than they used to be. Newer corrective wires made of Heat Activated Nickel Titanium (HANT) apply optimal forces over a prolonged duration and minimize the number of visits to the Orthodonti­st’s office.

Orthodonti­cs in the new millennium is also capable of providing patients with a window to the future, courtesy of new computer software that generates a “virtual face” which can display the outcome.

Your smile is the first impression people get of you. When you consider the lifelong personal and profession­al benefits of a healthy, confident and attractive smile, Orthodonti­cs is the best investment you’ll ever make. A new smile can increase your self confidence, improve your appearance and promote better dental health. As the saying goes “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight”…… (But of course by your Orthodonti­st !)

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