Arab Times

Melania solo in Africa trip

Ghana 1st stop


WASHINGTON, Oct 1, (AP): US First Lady Melania Trump heads for Africa on her first big solo internatio­nal trip, aiming to make child well-being the focus of a five-day, four-country tour that will take her to every corner of the vast and impoverish­ed continent.

Departing on Monday, she opens her first-ever visit to Africa on Tuesday in Ghana in the West, followed by stops in Malawi in the South, Kenya in the East and Egypt in the Northeast.

Her first extended turn on the world stage outside the shadow of President Donald Trump could still be complicate­d by her husband, who has spoken of the continent in impolite and even vulgar terms.

That leaves the first lady with some fence-mending duties.

“She’s got some heavy lifting to do on this trip and it’s a little bit unfair because that’s not what a first lady’s trip should be about,” said Judd Devermont, the Africa program director at the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies. First ladies usually practice a softer form of diplomacy, showing interest in a host nation’s schools, hospitals and arts programs, and avoiding thornier issues.

Joshua Meservey, a senior Africa policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation, countered by noting the “positive engagement­s” the president has had with some African heads of state, including President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, who met with Trump at the White House in late August. Trump also met last week in New York with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt.

Meservey also noted that the US spends considerab­le amounts on public health and developmen­t initiative­s in Malawi, which is among the world’s least-developed countries.

“I think the US-Africa relationsh­ip is much bigger than the president’s comments, and it’s been going on for decades and decades,” he said. “Frankly, I suspect the vast majority of average Africans have not heard of any of those dust-ups. It’s very much an elite preoccupat­ion.”

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