Arab Times

Decision to stop granting study leave discussed

Sharia College holds reception for new academic year


KUWAIT CITY, Oct 11: Deputy Head of the National Union of Kuwaiti Students-Egypt branch Saleh Al-Manoukh revealed the union recently discussed with Deputy Prime Minister and State Minister for Cabinet Affairs Anas Al-Saleh and MP Mohammad Al-Huwailah the cancellati­on of the decision of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) to stop granting study leave to Kuwaiti employees, reports Al-Qabas daily.

Speaking to the daily, Al-Manoukh pointed out that Al-Saleh promised to follow up the decision and ask the CSC to submit a report on the justificat­ions for taking such a step, as well as take the necessary action considerin­g that the study leave for Kuwaiti employees does not exceed 45 days.

He asserted thousands of students are affected by the decision, stressing these students are Kuwaiti employees pursuing higher studies - master’s and doctorate degrees - in universiti­es outside the country.

Under the patronage of the Dean of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Kuwait University Prof Fahad AlRasheedi, the college held a reception marking the new academic year at the National Library of Kuwait as well as a ceremony in honor of the former and current deans and faculty members.

According to a press release issued by Kuwait University, Prof Al-Rasheedi said the honoring of colleagues is an expression of thanks and gratitude to the past and present deans and the new faculty members of the college.

He wished for them to exert more efforts in order to achieve the mission and vision of the college.

 ??  ?? A photo from the reception held by College of Sharia and Islamic Studiesat Kuwait University for new academic year.
A photo from the reception held by College of Sharia and Islamic Studiesat Kuwait University for new academic year.

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