Arab Times

Healthcare vote likely fodder for both parties

Trump sees ‘Med for All’ pitfalls


WASHINGTON, Oct 11, (Agencies): Days after ending a turbulent Supreme Court confirmati­on fight, the Senate turned back to health care - with a battle squarely aimed at coloring next month’s crucial elections for control of Congress.

In a return to its characteri­stically more unruffled mode of work, the Senate on Wednesday rejected a Democratic attempt to stop President Donald Trump from expanding access to short-term health care plans, which offer lower costs but skimpier coverage. It was clear Democrats would lose, and a real victory was never feasible since the measure would have died anyway in the Republican-run House.

But by pushing ahead, Democrats made Republican­s cast a health care vote that Democrats could wield in campaign ads for next month’s midterm elections, in which they hope to topple the GOP’s 51-49 Senate majority. The vote was also aimed at refocusing people away from the Senate’s nasty battle over confirming Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, which both sides say has transforme­d indifferen­t conservati­ve voters into motivated ones - for now.

Wednesday’s vote was about showing whether Congress will “allow insurance companies to scam Americans with cut-rate health insurance,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. “I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of that vote.”

Republican Sen Cory Gardner of Colorado insisted it was actually the Democrats who had done themselves no favors with the vote. “Look, if they want to take away people’s health insurance and that’s what they’re campaignin­g on for the next several weeks, I think it’s a losing strategy,” said Gardner, who heads the Senate GOP’s campaign organizati­on.


Using regulation­s, Trump has moved to let people buy short-term insurance that could last one year - and up to three years if renewed. President Barack Obama’s health care law, which Trump and Republican­s have weakened but failed to repeal, created more limited versions of those plans, lasting up to just three months. The policies are for people who don’t get coverage at work.

The administra­tion says premiums for the new shortterm plans will be around one-third the cost of comprehens­ive coverage that Obama’s law requires. Republican­s have promoted them as a low-cost option for strapped consumers after years of steadily rising premiums, which they blame on Obama’s law, and GOP candidates will be happy to use Wednesday’s vote to make that point.

Unlike Obama’s statute, the new policies don’t require coverage for people with pre-existing conditions. The government has estimated those people number from 50 million to 130 million, making them a potent political talking point for Democrats. The short-term insurance also doesn’t have to cover a menu of services like prescripti­on drugs and could cap beneficiar­ies’ benefits. Democrats call the plans “junk insurance” because, they say, the policies will leave unwary consumers purchasing dangerousl­y meager packages.

On its face, Wednesday’s fight was over repealing Trump’s new rules. But practicall­y speaking, it served to renew attention on the overall issue of health care, which polling shows ranks at the top of the public’s priorities and has been a major concern for voters for over a decade.

It also comes as campaign operatives assess whether the Kavanaugh battle will overshadow what has been shaping up as a voters’ referendum on Trump, colored by candidates’ views on health care and the economy.

Both sides’ consultant­s say initial polling shows newfound enthusiasm among conservati­ves, who until the court fight were far less excited about voting than their liberal, anti-Trump counterpar­ts. The big question, they agree, is whether conservati­ve enthusiasm will last until Nov. 6 or fade away, victim to the historic pattern of midterm congressio­nal losses by the party holding the White House and the ever-changing parade of distractin­g controvers­ies prevalent under Trump.

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