Arab Times

China bemoans confusing US signals but holds hope for a Trump-Xi meet

Relationsh­ip has not been positive lately: Kudlow


WASHINGTON, Oct 15, (Agencies): US President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping will “probably” meet at a G20 summit next month, a US official said Sunday, as both sides seek answers for a badly strained relationsh­ip that a Chinese official called “very confusing.”

“The presidents will probably meet at the G20 in Buenos Aires,” Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on the “Fox News Sunday” program.

But he added that trade talks with China – with each side imposing a mounting series of tariffs on the other, raising fears of a shock to the global economy – had so far been “unsatisfac­tory.” “The relationsh­ip has not been positive lately,” Kudlow said. China’s ambassador to the US, Cui Tiankai, raised similar doubts about the relationsh­ip between the world’s two largest economic powers.

Also appearing on Fox, he said China has grown frustrated in trade talks because of conflictin­g signals from the Trump administra­tion. Cui said other ambassador­s in Washington shared his frustratio­n.

“They don’t know who was the final decision-maker” in the administra­tion, he said. “Of course, presumably the president would take the final decision. But who is playing what role? It can be very confusing.” Chinese officials have complained before about receiving mixed signals from Trump’s economic team. One Chinese official appealed in June to “our American interlocut­ors to be credible and consistent” while another called the US side “capricious.”

The latest airing of grievances occurred at the end of a week that saw a sharp drop in the US stock market, which analysts blamed partly on uncertaint­ies sparked by the trans-Pacific trade dispute.

At a World Bank/Internatio­nal Monetary Fund meeting this week in Bali, global finance chiefs warned that the US-China trade spat, coupled with rising US interest rates and tanking emerging-market currencies, could push the world to financial crisis. They added, however, that there was still time to avert such a disaster.

Trump has levied billions of dollars in tariffs on Chinese imports as he presses Beijing to change restrictiv­e trade practices that he says unfairly hurt American businesses and innovators.


His move comes at a time when the US economy has been growing robustly while Chinese growth has slowed, adding to the pressure on Beijing.

But some Americans – like soybean farmers whose product is being priced out of China’s market by its retaliator­y tariffs– are also suffering.

The difference­s between the two sides extend beyond trade, both Cui and Kudlow acknowledg­ed.

Cui complained about a recent incident in which a US navy ship, in a so-called “freedom of navigation” exercise, sailed close to a disputed island claimed by Beijing in the South China Sea, where China has steadily extended its presence.

“This is a very good example of American interventi­on into Chinese internal affairs,” Cui said, adding that US officials would not be pleased to see Chinese warships in the Gulf of Mexico.

Kudlow said that relations have “not been positive lately, and we have to have reciprocit­y in all of these areas: trade, security, military issues. That’s what is at stake.”

Earlier this month, US Vice President Mike Pence issued a long litany of complaints against China. He accused Beijing of “predatory” trade practices, of military “aggression,” of attacks on personal freedoms and religious minorities, and even of electoral interferen­ce aimed at unseating Trump by running ads in American newspapers.

Cui replied on Fox that Chinese media were “just learning from American media to use all these means to buy commercial pages from newspapers,” adding, “This is a normal practice for all the media.”

But the ambassador also held out hope for the Buenos Aires meeting.

Two earlier encounters between the presidents, he said, had made it “clear that such top-level communicat­ion played a key role, irreplacea­ble role in guiding the relationsh­ip forward. And there is good mutual understand­ing and good working relationsh­ip between the two.

 ??  ?? French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire (center right), and Bordeaux’s mayor Alain Juppe (center left), attend a meeting with Ford Blanquefor­t unionists among whom former candidate for French presidency, Ford Blanquefor­t plant’s worker and CGT union member Philippe Poutou (back) on Oct 15 in Bordeaux, southweste­rnFrance. (AFP)
French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire (center right), and Bordeaux’s mayor Alain Juppe (center left), attend a meeting with Ford Blanquefor­t unionists among whom former candidate for French presidency, Ford Blanquefor­t plant’s worker and CGT union member Philippe Poutou (back) on Oct 15 in Bordeaux, southweste­rnFrance. (AFP)

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