Arab Times

Qatar may put ‘fans’ on ships


DOHA, Oct 21, (AFP): Qatar could accommodat­e thousands more football fans on cruise ships during the 2022 World Cup than previously estimated, leading organisers in the emirate have revealed.

An official with the country’s largest hotel owner, Katara Hospitalit­y, confirmed on Sunday that up to 20,000 rooms on ships would be made available to supporters in four years’ time.

That is a marked increase on a previous 2015 estimate which planned 6,000 rooms for 12,000 fans during the first World Cup to be held in the Middle East.

Officials though could not say exactly how many extra fans would be accommodat­ed with the increase in room numbers.

However, using the same calculatio­n, up to 40,000 fans could be housed on boats if 20,000 cruise ship rooms are used.

Senior tourism and tournament figures have in recent days said more fans could use boats throughout the period of the World Cup.

Katara Hospitalit­y boss Hamad Abdulla al-Mulla told local media: “Qatar will have almost 60,000 hotel rooms ready much before the start of 2022.

“Besides this, up to 20,000 rooms in cruise ships will be available throughout the tournament.

“It will cover the minimum requiremen­t of 80,000 rooms for the mega sporting event.”

Hassan al-Thawadi, head of the 2022 organising body, the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy, said last week that “around 20,000” cruise ship rooms would be made available for fans.

The cruise ships would serve as “floating hotels”.

Qatar has said fans could also be housed in tents in desert areas close to stadiums, and it is considerin­g using Airbnb in 2022.

The gas-rich country has estimated up to 1.5 million fans could travel to Qatar for the World Cup.

Many of these were initially expected to be from neighbouri­ng countries such as Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.

However an ongoing 16-month diplomatic crisis between Qatar and its Gulf former allies currently prevents nationals from those countries travelling to the World Cup host.

 ??  ?? An American flag is displayed near waterfront homes on Orange County’s Balboa Island on Oct 20, in Newport Beach, California. The threat of rising seas prompted officials to raise the island’s sea walls by 9 inches this year. The exclusive island sits in California’s 48th District where Democratic congressio­nal candidate Harley Rouda is competing for the seat against Republican incumbent Rep Dana Rohrabache­r. Climate change is one of the issues in the race as the 48th District includes a section of Southern California coastline with a number of beaches. According to a report by the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists in 2017, parts of Newport Beach may experience chronic flooding by 2035. (AFP)
An American flag is displayed near waterfront homes on Orange County’s Balboa Island on Oct 20, in Newport Beach, California. The threat of rising seas prompted officials to raise the island’s sea walls by 9 inches this year. The exclusive island sits in California’s 48th District where Democratic congressio­nal candidate Harley Rouda is competing for the seat against Republican incumbent Rep Dana Rohrabache­r. Climate change is one of the issues in the race as the 48th District includes a section of Southern California coastline with a number of beaches. According to a report by the nonprofit Union of Concerned Scientists in 2017, parts of Newport Beach may experience chronic flooding by 2035. (AFP)

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