Arab Times

No unified backing in Congress to Trump's weapons treaty move


ELKO, Nevada,Oct 21, (AP): President Donald Trump says his intention to scrap a landmark arms control agreement Russia follows years of violations by Moscow in developing prohibited weapons, and "we're not going to be the only one to adhere to it." The Kremlin said the pullout "would be a very dangerous step."

Members of Congress offered no unified response, with reaction ranging from "a big, big mistake" to "absolutely the right move." A split emerged among US allies in Europe: Britain said it stood "absolutely resolute" with the US, while Germany called Trump's move "regrettabl­e."

Sen Rand Paul, R-Ky, said it was "a big, big mistake to flippantly get out of this historic agreement." He told "Fox News Sunday" that both sides accuse the other of violations, and he wants "a rational discussion" with experts to see if Washington and Moscow can settle their difference­s.

The chairman off the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said he hopes Trump's step is just a negotiatin­g maneuver. Sen. Bob Corker told CNN's "State of the Union" that "this could be something that's just a precursor to trying to get Russia to come into compliance."

Corker, R-Tenn., said he hopes "we're going to be able to figure out a way to stay within the treaty."

But backing Trump was Sen Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who said on Fox News: "Absolutely the right move," adding that "the Russians have been cheating."

Trump is sending his national security adviser, John Bolton, to Moscow for meetings with Russian leaders, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, and was expected to relay the news about Trump's decision.

"This would be a very dangerous step," Russia's deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, was quoted as telling state news agency Tass on Sunday. He said a US withdrawal "will cause the most serious condemnati­on from all members of the internatio­nal community who are committed to security and stability."

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