Arab Times

US judge to weigh temporary halt to Trump’s asylum order


WASINGTON, Nov 19, (RTRS): Civil rights groups will urge a US judge on to temporaril­y halt an order by President Donald Trump that bars asylum for migrants who illegally cross the border with Mexico.

The groups argued in court papers that Trump’s Nov 9 order violated administra­tive and immigratio­n law.

The hearing before US District Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco comes as thousands of Central Americans, including a large number of children, are traveling in caravans toward the US border to escape violence and poverty at home. Some have already arrived at Tijuana, a Mexican city on the border with California.

Trump cited an overwhelme­d immigratio­n system for his proclamati­on that officials will only process asylum claims for migrants who present themselves at an official entry point.

Immigratio­n advocates said the order clearly conflicted with the Immigratio­n and Nationalit­y Act, which allows any person present in the United States to seek asylum, regardless of how they entered the country.

The groups also argued that the administra­tion violated a requiremen­t to provide a period of time for public comments before the order took effect.

Any ruling on Monday would likely be procedural and would restore the prior asylum rules while the rights groups made their case for a preliminar­y injunction at a future hearing.

The lawsuit was brought by the American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Center for Constituti­onal Rights.

Tigar was nominated to the court by president Barack Obama.

Rights groups have said immigrants are being forced to wait days or weeks at the border before they can present themselves for asylum, and the administra­tion has been sued for deliberate­ly slowing processing times at official ports.

Caravan participan­ts began to arrive last week in Tijuana on the Mexican side of the US border, which has put a strain on humanitari­an shelters where many will wait to seek asylum.

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