Arab Times

Childhood obesity tied to severe hip disorder

Weight loss drug found safe


NEW YORK, Nov 19, (RTRS): Kids who are obese may be more likely to develop a severe hip disorder than children who are not overweight, a UK study suggests.

The disorder, known as slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE), is one of the most common hip problems in children and adolescent­s. It can lead the ball at the head of the thigh bone to slip backward and often requires surgery to repair. While the condition has long been linked to obesity, which can put extra pressure on bones, research to date hasn’t offered decisive evidence that obesity directly causes SCFE.


For the current study, researcher­s examined data on weight for more than 597,000 children when they were 5 to 6 years old, with an additional record of weight for nearly 39,500 of these youth at 11 to 12 years old. During an average of seven years of follow-up, 209 children were diagnosed with SCFE.

Compared to kids who were a normal weight at the start of the study, children with severe obesity were almost six times more likely to develop SCFE and youth who were less obese were almost four times more likely to develop SCFE, researcher­s report in Pediatrics.

And by 11 to 12 years old, youth with severe obesity had 17 times the risk of SCFE that normal weight children had.

“Some doctors, in particular orthopedic surgeons, have long believed that SCFE is linked to childhood obesity, though this has been very difficult to prove,” said lead study author Daniel Perry of the University of Liverpool in the UK.

The current study wasn’t a controlled experiment designed to prove whether or how obesity might directly cause SCFE.

But “the strength of this associatio­n is striking,” Perry said by email.

Children and teens are considered obese when their body mass index (BMI) is higher than 95 percent of other youth their same age and sex. They’re considered severely obese when their BMI is higher than 99 percent of other kids.

At the start of the study when kids were about 5.5 years old on average, 12 percent of them were overweight and 9.2 percent were obese.

Among the 3,973 children who were obese at that point, 2,963 (75 percent) remained obese at 11 to 12 years old.

“There are multiple health problems associated with childhood obesity, and we now know that SCFE is one of them,” said Dr Tim Theologis of Oxford University Hospitals in the UK.

“Although this was beyond the scope of this study, it is logical to assume that if obese children were to lose weight, this would reduce their risk of SCFE,” Theologis, who wasn’t involved in the study, said by email.

Obesity may add to the risk of SCFE because the growth plate where the thigh bone meets the hip joint is made of cartilage that’s weaker than bone, noted Dr Deborah Eastwood of University College London. Rapid growth during pre-teen and teen years coupled with excess weight can damage the hip, leading to pain and reduced range of motion.

“This is the first (of hopefully several studies) that will confirm that obesity is bad for children – in this case bad because it increases the risk of a rare but ‘nasty’ orthopedic condition which could be disabling,” Eastwood, who wasn’t involved in the study, said by email. “Children who are not overweight tend to be more active, fitter and healthier – and this can only be good for you.”



Eisai’s weight loss drug lorcaserin does not increase people’s risk of major cardiovasc­ular events, according to data from a study of 12,000 overweight or obese patients.

Everyone in the study, which was funded by Eisai, had atheroscle­rotic cardiovasc­ular disease or multiple risk factors for heart disease.

With half the study participan­ts tracked for at least three years, there was no difference in the combined risk of heart attack, stroke or any type of cardiovasc­ular death between people taking lorcaserin and people taking a dummy pill.

That outcome was seen in 2.0 percent of lorcaserin-treated subjects per year versus 2.1 percent of the placebo group.

When researcher­s also considered cases of heart failure, hospitaliz­ation for chest pain and the need to reopen clogged arteries in the heart, rates were 4.1 percent per year with lorcaserin and 4.2 percent with placebo.

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