Arab Times

Kuwaiti envoy represents HH Amir at Mexico president’s inaugurati­on

Kuwait-EU ties ‘excellent’: Al-Jarallah


KUWAIT CITY, Dec 3, (KUNA): Representi­ng His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Kuwait’s Ambassador to Mexico Metab Al-Metoteh attended the swearing-in ceremony of Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Sunday.

After conveying His Highness the Amir’s greetings and best wishes on the occasion, the envoy was later invited to an official luncheon hosted by the president at the National Palace in Mexico City.

Lopez Obrador becomes Mexico’s first left-wing president in decades having secured over 50 percent of votes in July, representi­ng the highest-ever recorded in history.

In an earlier speech to his country’s parliament, he vowed to carry out a “deep and radical transforma­tion” and put an end to corruption and impunity.

Meanwhile, Kuwait’s Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah Sunday termed as “excellent” relations with the European Union (EU).

Al-Jarallah, speaking to reporters at a reception by the UAE Embassy on the country’s national day, said his recent visit to Brussels, Belgium, was successful.

He said the talks with the EU officials covered a variety of issues of mutual interest, and activated a 2016 memornadum of understand­ing, the first between a Gulf country and the EU.

Al-Jarallah said European Foreign Ministers would be visiting Kuwait, part of common desire to boost Gulf-EU relations.

 ?? KUNA photo ?? Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Kuwait NewsAgency (KUNA) and Secretary-General of FANA Dr Fareed Ayyar.
KUNA photo Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager of Kuwait NewsAgency (KUNA) and Secretary-General of FANA Dr Fareed Ayyar.

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