Arab Times

Heavy deluge harbinger of ... lush spring season

Roses and flowers galore


A perennial plant living in sandy soil.

By Faisal Al-Rashidi

KUWAIT CITY, Dec 11, (KUNA): Kuwaitis believe that the lashing rain seen as of late heralds the arrival of a blooming spring season with roses and flowers galore, making for picturesqu­e scenery that is uncommon in the Gulf state.

After years of scarce rainfall, Kuwait witnessed this year unpreceden­ted levels of precipitat­ion, creating lush greenery nationwide not seen in years, which conjures sayings deeply embedded in folklore that extol the merits of rainfall.

What makes the rainfall in Kuwait this year so remarkable is that it was preceded by heavy dust storms, Dr Ali Al-Dosari, a researcher at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), told KUNA in an interview on Monday.

As strange as it may sound, he said the dust storms that blanketed Kuwait during the summer carried with it the roots of a wide array of plants, including seasonal and perennial.

Similarly, Essa Bouhamad, an official at Kuwait’s Public Authority for Agricultur­al Affairs and Fish Resources, foreboded a “palpable” increase in greenery this spring, accompanie­d by intermitte­nt rainfall.

Persistent rains caused widespread disruption in major roads across Kuwait last month, with forecaster­s describing the downpour as the heaviest in decades.

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