Arab Times

Russia fines Google for failing to blacklist sites


Russia on Tuesday fined US internet giant Google for failing to ban sites ruled to be extremist from appearing in search results.

Critics have accused Russian authoritie­s of using such bans to silence opponents.

Russia’s communicat­ions watchdog announced that Google had been fined 500,000 rubles ($7,530) for failing to block blackliste­d pages under a law that came into force in September.

“The demands of the law were explained to Google representa­tives,” Roskomnadz­or said in a statement.

Watchdog chief Alexander Zharov said Google had replied that “they consider they are observing Russian law,” Interfax news agency reported.

Zharov insisted that “filtering is not carried out” by Google, while Russia-based search engines – Yandex, Sputnik and – have complied.

The fine was the minimum possible under the law.

Russia has put increasing pressure on popular websites and apps in what opposition figures see as an attempt to silence the main forum for political debate and organising protests.

In the summer of 2012, Russia created a blacklist of sites showing child pornograph­y or drug use and deemed to be “extremist” -- a term vague enough to include opposition activism.

The professed intention of the move was to protect children from harmful content online. The law was pushed through despite opposition from major internet companies. (AFP)

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