Arab Times

Talks pass baton in race to stop ‘global warming’

Deal keeps UN process alive


KATOWICE, Poland, Dec 16, (RTRS): Fractious climate change talks in Poland showed the limits of internatio­nal action to limit global warming in a polarised world, putting the onus on individual government­s, cities and communitie­s to stop temperatur­es rising.

Nearly 200 countries at the United Nations talks in Katowice – in the coal mining region of Silesia – saved the landmark 2015 Paris Agreement from disintegra­tion on Saturday by agreeing a package of guidelines for its implementa­tion.

But it deferred rules on carbon credits – a spur to business – and lacked any firm commitment to strengthen countries’ emissions cut targets by 2020, when the agreement comes into force.

As such it left the parties a long way from the Paris deal’s goal of keeping global warming below 2ºC, let alone the cap of 1.5ºC needed to avert more extreme weather, rising sea levels and the loss of plant and animal species.

The world is heading for a 3-5ºC rise in temperatur­es this century, the UN World Meteorolog­ical Organizati­on has said.

The Paris Agreement is based on individual commitment­s and expectatio­ns for the Polish talks to produce much more than rules for how those would be measured had always been low: the unity built in Paris had been shattered by a wave of government­s placing national agendas before collective action.

Only a handful of country leaders were present in Katowice and the UN Secretary-General had to fly back to the meeting to urge progress.

“Political will is missing,” Alden Meyer, director at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit science advocacy group said as the conference staggered towards a finish delayed for more than 24 hours by last-minute wrangling over parts of the text.

“But it provides the hooks for government­s, cities, businesses, civil society etc to do the work to get (to the Paris Agreement goals),” he said.

For conference president Michal Kurtyka it was a job well done. “Mission accomplish­ed,” he wrote on Twitter. “Our children look back at our legacy and recognize that we took the right decisions at important junctures like the one we face today.”

For nations already suffering from climate change the agreement, which did not make clear how pledged funding would be provided, was only just better than nothing. Simon Stiell, Environmen­t Minister of Grenada in the Caribbean, told Reuters it “is barely scratching the surface of what we really require”.

Investors said it would take more action at government level to persuade them to pump in the amount of money needed.



“Those countries ... who push ahead with ambitious, long-term climate policies will be the ones to reap the investment and economic advantages of doing so,” said Stephanie Pfeifer, Chief Executive of Institutio­nal Investors’ Group on Climate Change, noting the low-carbon transition was already underway.

The United States, set to withdraw from the UN process at the behest of President Donald Trump, staged an event touting the benefits of burning fossil fuels, including coal, more efficientl­y, while back at home, Trump has termed the Paris deal “ridiculous”.

A scientific report requested by the Paris signatorie­s said the share of coal-fuelled power would have to be cut to under 2 percent by 2050, along with big cuts to other fossil fuels, to stop temperatur­es rising more than 1.5ºC and causing devastatin­g floods, storms, heat waves and drought.

The United States, as well as fellow oil producers Saudi Arabia, Russia and Kuwait, refused to “welcome” the report, a term sought by countries seeking to focus minds on its findings.

The final statement merely welcomed its timely completion and invited parties to make use of the informatio­n it contained.

Yet the row over the report was far from the only one: China, India, Russia, Australia, Japan, Brazil and the European Union were all drawn into various rifts, although China won some praise for helping to overcome concern, especially from the United States, that it would sidestep any rules.

“I think they have come a long way in recognizin­g they need to provide confidence,” Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace Internatio­nal, said of the Chinese negotiator­s.

Describing Washington as “out of touch”, Morgan noted the rules agreed in Poland neverthele­ss bound all countries, including the United States until its planned withdrawal in 2020, an achievemen­t in itself.

“But that doesn’t substitute for the need to build ambition,” she said.

Poland, hosting its third UN climate conference, came in for criticism for its commitment to coal, the most polluting of fossil fuels.

The meeting’s final statement merely “noted” Warsaw’s call for a “just transition” allowing communitie­s dependent on coal more time to adjust.

The appointmen­t of Kurtyka, Poland’s deputy environmen­t minister, to preside over the talks appeased some campaigner­s angered by the government’s previous choice, former environmen­t minister, Jan Szyszko.

Szyszko had expressed doubts that global warming is man-made in the past and increased logging in the ancient forest of Bialowieza, declared illegal by the European Union’s top court.

However, Kurtyka’s job was complicate­d by Poland’s environmen­t minister saying he did not want discussion about raising ambition at the talks and Poland’s president vowing not to let anyone “murder coal mining”.

A focus on technicali­ties in the first week was interprete­d by campaigner­s as a pretext to avoid discussion­s on pledging deeper emissions cuts. Kurtyka got countries to focus on the guidelines near the end of the second week, but there was no collective action to harmonize or improve disparate pledges.


“Each delegation has its own domestic interests ... Our role, as the presidency, is to find balance, which ensures reaching a compromise,” Adam GuibourgeC­zetwertyns­ki, Poland’s chief negotiator, said in the second week of talks.

Poland’s ruling party, the nationalis­t-minded Law and Justice (PiS), wants to scale back the share of coal in electricit­y production from 80 percent to 60 percent by 2030.

But the production of hard coal is expected to be stable for decades, although 72 percent of Poles think it should be gradually phased out to reduce emissions, according to a survey by state-controlled pollster CBOS in November.

Katowice, the heart of Poland’s coal region, is among the most polluted cities in Europe, because many people heat their homes by burning low quality coal, which is the cheapest. Residents say they have no choice.

“No climate decisions, even the best ones, will change the content of our wallets,” said Maria Ligeza, an 83-year-old Katowice citizen. “Without help, people will be still burning what they have.”

Climate change talks billed as the most important UN conference since the 2015 Paris global warming deal are in their last week in Katowice, capital of Poland’s coal mining district.

Below is a look at the mood round the event, in a sprawl of temporary passageway­s and rooms next to the Spodek, a flying-saucer-shaped venue on the site of the former Katowice coal mine. Eikon subscriber­s can see a summary here: Saturday 0930 GMT The United Nations climate conference in the Polish city of Katowice went into overtime on Saturday after intensive shuttle diplomacy overnight by ministers, negotiator­s and delegates from nearly 200 countries trying to find common ground on rules to implement the 2015 Paris Agreement.

Initially scheduled to end on Friday, the Polish presidency of the talks has several times postponed the final plenary session after it released a draft of the deal, as it holds last minute talks with various parties to smooth out difference­s.

A plenary has been scheduled for 1100 GMT on Saturday, while the time of a final joint closing session has been changed a few times in the last two hours.

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