Arab Times

Schoolkids learn mental health:


In a scenario playing out in more and more classrooms around the world, a Dallas teenager recently asked her classmate if anything was wrong, noting that she hadn’t been acting like herself. The brusque reply: “Just leave me alone.”

The ninth-graders at the Uplift Hampton Preparator­y school were roleplayin­g as part of a program that aims to teach teens how to spot the signs of depression in themselves and others. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Americans ages 10 to 18, according to government health statistics, and experts hope the lessons will get help to depressed teens more quickly.

“It’s kind of like ‘Mental Health 101.’ So they talk about depression and anxiety and just common mental health issues, and then I think the most important thing is they talk about what to do if you feel that way,” said Tony


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