Arab Times

‘Lies cannot bring victory’

- — Compiled by Zaki Taleb

“THE Iranian subtlety looks very old. In other words, while the Iranian officials are continuous­ly ‘pounded’ they portray themselves before the Iranians as victors and continue to fabricate lies and talk about victories and defeats for its adversarie­s,” columnist Dahem Al-Qahtani wrote for Al-Qabas daily.

“This is what the former Nazi minister of political propaganda Joseph Goebbels was doing – promoting lies after lies – and Iranian leadership has unfortunat­ely succeeded not only in persuading the public opinion inside Iran that it is victorious on all fronts, it has managed to cheat a big part of the Arab public opinion of the same and some of the Arabs are convinced motivated by its goodwill, while others promote fake reports to provoke other states.

“However, here we cite some examples of what happened last month when the US navy, for instance, shot down an Iranian drone in mid July 2019, because this drone had approached American warships, but the Iranians following this event resorted to the Goebbels theory and denied anything of that kind – shooting down of the drone – had happened.

“But when doubts were cast on their denial, they published some photos of another drone to prove that the relevant drone was not shot down and this shows they like to conceal something.

“The second example of the Iranian lies is a statement which was published by its Houthi militias indicating they had fired a Burkan missile at Dammam in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia although the distance between the Houthi bases and Dammam is about 3,000 kilometers. This lie was soon detected because it was aimed at creating a public opinion to portray the militias victorious.

“In this context, we say the big problem in this connection rests in the fact that some Gulf and Arab media carry everything that is published by Iran to create an inaccurate public opinion.

“As a matter of fact, Iran is currently in a real awkward position and is suffering from a series of unpreceden­ted setbacks – setbacks suffered by the Iranian leadership. The testimony of these setbacks come in the form of offering an olive branch – the aggression pact to be concluded among the neighborin­g states in addition to dealing seriously with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) concerning maritime borders and the security of the entrance to the Arabia Gulf which falls within the implementa­tion of previous coordinati­ve pacts.

“Apart from the above, Iran, has opted for a mutual understand­ing with the neighborin­g states in the Gulf region particular­ly the commercial relations between the two parties which before one year Iran was nowhere near such an understand­ing.

“In other words, during that time, the Iranian officials were boasting about their domination over four Arab capitals and called itself a regional power broker.

“But today in the wake of the US decision to prevent Iranians from selling their oil following the economic embargo and following the formation of a deterrent internatio­nal maritime force to protect the entrance to the Arabian Gulf waters, the Iranian reality has been exposed which has nothing to do with its declared slogan of ‘Death to America’.

“In other words, this reality shows that Iran is a besieged country not in a position to ward off the internatio­nal forces from its marine borders.

“However, the incumbent Iranian regime depends on two methods, the first is represente­d by the distributi­on of roles among the senior officials of the regime.

“In this connection, we elucidate that the Iranian spiritual leader Ali Khamenei has issued a strongly worded statement against America and the West, for instance, to gain the support of the Iranian public, while the Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has issued another statement less stiff to ease the acuteness of what the spiritual leader has said.

“Likewise, the foreign minister Muhammad Javad Zarif, is seeking cooperatio­n agreement with the West and his statement is followed by an escalating statement issued by the secretary-general of the Iranian National Security Council Ali Shamkhani against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to guarantee the support of the Iranian public opinion and make sure the latter are not been affected by Zarif’s soft statement in question, but what is surprising is all the above statements are issued in a single day.

“While the second manner followed by the Iranian regime comes in the form of the fake multi-faceted support from the Iranian media to create a positive public opinion inside Iran, showing the stern face to encounter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in addition to some other Arab states, while the other side of the Iranian coin shows a smiling face to the West to win the Western hearts.

“And between this and that, we see how the Iranian regime issues strong statements against the West, but the impact of these statements are eased swiftly through other means.

“In conclusion, we would like to address the public opinion and tell the Iranians not to present the Iranian regime a free ‘victory’ by believing in this regime and giving ear to its misguided political propaganda and keep in mind that Goebbels also cheated the Germans a lot and that was one of the reasons for the downfall of Germany during the World War II, because lies simply cannot bring victory.”


“There are some destinatio­ns in the history of the world leaders which obviously open the secrets behind their resolution­s and the extent of their impacts on the fates of the peoples, but unfortunat­ely we as people have no choice, but to absorb the shocks without the ability to react or change the reality,” columnist and the deputy director general of the Islamic Heritage Revival Society (IHRS) Dr Wael Al-Hassawi wrote for Al-Rai daily.

“Take for instance, one of the National Security advisors of former US president Barack Obama wrote the presidenti­al speeches from ‘A’ to ‘Z’, has recently published a new book ‘The World Such As It Is’, in which he said Obama hated the Arabs in a strange way and always told his advisors that the Arabs are neither principled nor civilized, but they are backward Bedouin people.

“Obama talked about Iran in a manner of friendship that reflected his strong admiration to its civilizati­on.

“He added Obama started communicat­ing with Iran in 2010 to end the latter’s nuclear activities. He hinted during that time, that Iran had offered to stop its nuclear activities for ten years in return for lifting the sanctions that were imposed on it as well as against unleashing its hand in the entire Arab world.

“However, he went on to say Obama’s administra­tion had released $100 billion of Iranian money which were frozen by the American banks during the former administra­tion because of Iranian interventi­on in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Africa and Arab North African countries.

“Meanwhile the former security adviser added Iran was bothered by the victory of Iyad Allawi as the Iraqi prime minister in 2013 to such an extent Iran had requested Obama to support Nouri Al-Maliki to the rule of Iraq.

“He further added, it is Nouri Al-Maliki who ordered the Iraqi troops stationed in Mosul to intentiona­lly flee, leave behind all its military equipment although the value of it exceeded $20 billion.

“Not just that, Nouri Al-Maliki had intentiona­lly kept a balance of $600 billion in the Central Bank of Iraq – Mosul Branch in 2014, and contribute­d to bringing 600 elements of DAESH to Mosul and provided them with all their requiremen­ts – money and equipment for DAESH to begin its march from there and Iran was actually involved in controllin­g this march.

“He added Obama knew everything about it but he closed an eye because he was striving to end his reign by concluding a deal that would prevent Iran from possessing a nuclear weapon.

“On the other hand, he referred to the threat that was issued by Obama to strike Syria post the Syrian chemical attack against the East Ghouta of Damascus in August 2013. It was actually aimed at rescuing the Nuclear Deal to be concluded with Iran, but not for disciplini­ng the Syrian regime.

“He added even post the signing of the Nuclear Deal with Iran, Obama had urged his aides not to mention anything before him about the Syrian dossier, he had literally and exactly added saying ‘the task is being accomplish­ed!’

“However, the above, is what was mentioned by the then national security advisor and his testimony over the relevant events, but the question here is, what if he had lied, for instance, then why Obama had not yet denounced nor denied what was mentioned by his advisor although what was said by the latter in this connection, can undermine the image of Obama before the public.”

“Temporary laborers brought into the country by some constructi­on companies to build projects constitute a big problem due to lack of labor cities to house them, as is the case in neighborin­g countries,” columnist Zayed Al-Zaid wrote for Annahar daily.

“The laborers in question stay in areas close to model residentia­l areas, which have been allocated for investment and private housing for citizens and expatriate families but some greedy property owners turn their houses into mini residentia­l buildings to provide cheaper accommodat­ion for the companies at the expense of the residents of those areas. Citizens suffer due to gradual transforma­tion of the areas they are staying into labor cities, and they are forced to leave their houses in search of better areas.

“This happened in Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, which over the years changed from a quiet place vicinity into an area predominan­t with crime and random markets for stolen goods. This is not only a problem for citizens but the State as a whole. Temporary laborers who escape shortly before the end of their contracts and hide in such areas continue working illegally to avoid monitoring by relevant authoritie­s contribute to the security mess that is difficult to control.

“Over the years, the Government has promised to establish labor cities. A press release by the Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Minister of Municipali­ty Affairs, Municipal Council indicated allocation of land needed for the establishm­ent of six labor cities.” “Neverthele­ss, the project still faces obstacles due to the involvemen­t of some influentia­l people.

“Some property owners impede the establishm­ent of labor cities, because they rent buildings to the labor contractin­g companies. Those owners also establish gravelike buildings, especially for laborers in the investment areas with the aim of putting large numbers of laborers in one building in order to gain higher revenue regardless of violating constructi­on regulation­s.”

“Before the end of its third session, the National Assembly tackled the law on regulating the legal profession and its amendments. During this session, there was a heated debate between the supporters and critics of the proposal as the latter accused the Assembly of harming the legal profession, citing the amendments that allow graduates of the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Studies to practice the profession without completing qualificat­ion courses in addition to preventing faculty members of the university and members of the Assembly from practicing the profession while in their current jobs,” columnist Dr Hamad Al-Asidan wrote for Al-Rai daily.

“Amid the controvers­y that occupied a large part of cyberspace and newspapers, Parliament Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim issued a statement at Kuwait Bar Associatio­n during the ratificati­on of the law. He said he felt that certain parts of the bill could be unconstitu­tional so he voted against it. He expects the government to reject the proposal by resorting to the Constituti­onal Court.

“It is known that the Constituti­on allows the government in such cases to reject any bill passed by the Assembly and return it to the latter. The Assembly can then insist on passing the bill through two-thirds majority vote to become effective and force the government to implement it.

“There is a big difference in the study between the curriculum of the Faculty of Sharia and the Faculty of Law, especially since Kuwait’s law does not rely entirely on the Islamic Sharia, and is governed by articles and regulation­s. There is a huge gap between the graduates of Shari’a and those engaged in the legal profession. This was emphasized by those who criticized the provisions of the bill allowing Sharia graduates to practice the legal profession without any qualificat­ion.”

“For a long time, all philanthro­pists in the Gulf region have been looking forward to establish distinguis­hed relations between their countries on both the Arab and Iranian sides, because these philanthro­pists believe in the popular proverb: ‘Nothing can scratch your back better than your own fingernail­s.’ The stalemate or aggression between the Gulf countries directly harms Gulf peoples, and a door from which the enemies of the Arab and Islamic nations could enter,” columnist Saud Al-Samaka wrote for Al-Seyassah daily.

“The benevolent people of this vital region can make sustainabl­e developmen­t and enjoy stable security and dignity in living if countries in the region adopt a peaceful strategy which enables peoples to coexist. This will help in economic developmen­t since they will save huge money spent on armament despite the fact that all weapons end up as a pile of junk.

“The Gulf region has enough fortune which guarantees fruitful future for its people and enables them to invade global markets for their products. The Gulf region controls transporta­tion between the East and West, in addition to vital straits and seas. The population of Gulf countries exceeds 120 million living in a space measuring five million square kilometers covering GCC countries and Iran.

“The positive initiative­s submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran, which the GCC countries welcomed, are undoubtedl­y good news for all GCC citizens and also the Iranians who seek developmen­t and good relations with their neighbors on the other side of the Arabian Gulf.”

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