Arab Times

Talks hit stumbling block:


Talks between Italy’s anti-establishm­ent 5-Star Movement and the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) to form a new government have hit a stumbling block over the PD’s opposition to Giuseppe Conte being reinstated as prime minister.

The two parties, traditiona­lly bitter foes, started talks on Friday to try to reach common ground for a new government after the ruling coalition of 5-Star and right-wing League imploded last week after months of infighting, forcing Conte to resign.

On Thursday, President Sergio Matta

rella gave Italy’s fractious parties five days to clinch a deal to resolve a political crisis and avoid a snap election.

In his first meeting on Friday with 5-Star leader Luigi di Maio, PD chief Nicola Zingaretti said any new government would have to mark a break with the past, including appointing a new leader.

“Nothing personal,” Zingaretti said on


In later comments on Facebook he said his party was open to any kind of dialogue on a list of policy priorities put forward by 5-Star. “We will continue to work to try and open a new political season.”

Speaking to reporters in Biarritz on Saturday ahead of the G7 summit, Conte, who has continued to serve in a caretaker

capacity, said it was a question of policies and not people.

“The political season (of the 5-StarLeague government) is for me something that’s over and done with and cannot be reopened any more,” he said.

A deal between 5-Star and the PD would give Italy a more moderate, Europefrie­ndly government and force the League into opposition.

The meeting between the two leaders, described as very cordial, followed a previous meeting of emissaries from both parties who said there was reason for optimism. (RTRS)

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