Arab Times

Best the G-7 can do for global economy: not make it ‘worse’

Space for action is increasing­ly limited


BIARRITZ, France, Aug 25, (AP): The global economy craves a double shot of confidence right now. The most the leaders of the Group of Seven can offer is likely to be a less intoxicati­ng cocktail: the simple promise not to make things any worse.

Sharp difference­s over US President Donald Trump’s trade conflict with China and threats to escalate trade tensions with Europe, along with Britain’s impending departure from the European Union on terms yet to be decided, are making it unlikely the leaders of seven rich democracie­s can come up with a unified road map on how to help global growth.

What the global economy doesn’t need is an outcome like last year’s summit in Canada. Leaders wrestled over a final joint statement, only to have Trump repudiate his signature shortly after leaving the summit and tweet criticism of the host, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This year’s host, French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron, has indicated he will avoid that possibilit­y by simply not having a statement. Instead, Macron may issue his own careful summary of what was discussed.

Even if the leaders, who discussed the economy Sunday morning, issue a final statement, it’s unlikely to contain a solution to what’s deterring investment and dampening business confidence.

In some ways the global economy is doing fairly well at the moment, with unemployme­nt low in major economies. Yet world trade and industrial investment and production have slowed sharply – and those are the forces that could carry forward the decade-long economic expansion since the Great Recession.

By imposing tariffs, or import taxes, on Chinese goods, and by threatenin­g to impose new ones on European autos and even French wine, Trump has sown uncertaint­y among businesses about their supply chains – the paths that raw materials, parts and goods take as they move through the globalized economy. Markets have become volatile, dropping sharply last week after the US and China exchanged more tariffs.

Holger Schmieding, chief economist at Berenberg Bank in London, says that while the direct damage from the tariffs is so far limited, the lack of clarity over terms of trade is corroding confidence.

“Entreprene­urs and firms only invest when they feel confident about the outlook,” he said. “The pervasive uncertaint­y about the future of global trade and the resulting need to restructur­e cross-border supply chains weighs heavily on industrial sentiment and investment.”

Business, he noted, is driven by “animal spirits” – a term coined by 20thCentur­y British economist John Maynard Keynes to describe the optimism needed to take risks and invest.

Trump’s unpredicta­ble Americafir­st economic nationalis­m is upending decades of rules-based economic cooperatio­n rooted in global institutio­ns like the World Trade Organizati­on and the Group of Seven itself, which this year featured big disagreeme­nts among world leaders.

Space for action is increasing­ly limited, and not just by Trump’s disruption.

The US Federal Reserve has little room to lower interest rates, and the European Central Bank’s even less, with its key benchmarks at or below zero. They could resume stimulus programs that include buying bonds to lower borrowing rates. But borrowing rates are already extremely low.

Many government­s still have debt hangovers from the global financial crisis, leaving less room for spending to stimulate investment and consumptio­n. Germany has been running a surplus and has balked at taking on new debt to spend on things that could raise growth, such as roads and bridges and high-speed internet coverage for the whole country.

China’s growth has slowed from its previous red-hot pace, which often happens when an emerging economy starts to catch up with the rest of the world. Aging population­s in many developed economies will strain tax revenues and lower consumptio­n.

Rock-bottom borrowing costs have led to calls for government­s to borrow and spend more to take up where central banks have run short of ammunition.

 ?? (AP) ?? US President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (left), shake hands following a news conference at the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France, on Aug 25, to announce that the US and Japan have agreed in principle
on a new trade agreement.
(AP) US President Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (left), shake hands following a news conference at the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France, on Aug 25, to announce that the US and Japan have agreed in principle on a new trade agreement.

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